Chapter 29

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Chia-Jung's POV

The green creature barked at me and wagged it's tail.

"What is that?" Mako didn't seem to believe what just happened. Even though they all just watched.

"It's a dog." I stated as everyone stood around it examining what I accidentally made.

"We see that. It's green and it has those bright pink eyes." Bolin said as he tried to not sound freaked out.

"Did you do this in purpose?" Mako asked and I could tell by his voice he was judging me. "How is he going to help us in this situation if he is bright green? They will see us coming."

I don't get why he hates me so much.

"I'm not exactly sure how to do this yet. So cut me some slack." I shouted at him and the god got defensive too. 

"Well, he is a dog he could help us track down Korra."  Asami smiled at the dog and kneeled down to its height. "They will be too busy focusing on Korra. They won't notice us."

"Dogs do have the best sense of smell around." Bolin stated. "Well besides Naga. To bad we can't find her either."

"Well I don't want to risk it. We can't help Korra if we get captured." Mako was acting like they were both betraying him.

"Look Mako I'll go by myself if it makes you feel safer. But stop acting like a jerk. I didn't do anything to you." I began to walk toward  air temple island.

"Where are you going?" Mako asked sounding even more pissed off. 

Then suddenly I was grabbed by my collar.

"I don't like you. Because from the very beginning you haven't been trust worthy. You openly lie to people and I don't think there is a reason to trust you." He was practically yelling in my face. "Who are you truly?"

"My name is Chia-Jung. I cant say much else because I dont know. So if you want to hate me go ahead, but remember I haven't done anything to you and I haven't lied to you." I forced him to remove his hand from my shirt as I spoke. "I even helped save your brother and friend."

"She is right bro." I heard Bolin say quietly.

As I got closer to the street a van pulled up and I noticed that it was an equalist van.

"It's Mara." One of them yelled before a couple people jumped out and grabbed me.

"It's a good thing we got here before those benders could hurt you."

"I saw one of them grabbed you did they threaten you?"

They all were asking so many questions that I was confused.

"We have to take her to Amon."

"Amon is trying to get the Avatar he's busy."

"Fuck. We need to hurry, we are in the capture party."

Just like that they forgot I was with them and they started heading towards the mountains.

I remained quiet. During the entire ride and after about an hour we were at a small cabin covered in snow.

They quickly pulled their masks over their faces and jumped out.

I didn't want to stay and wait for them, so instead I followed them into the cabin.

Thankfully my uniform was in my bag so I quickly put it on over my other clothes before Councilman Tarrlok stepped into the room.

I didn't listen to what was said because I was shocked. I just watched the equalist run into the basement while Amon challenged Tarrlok.

Then I felt something course through my body that triggered a memory.

I looked over and saw Tarrlok was attempting to blood bend me.

Something happened and everything went black and I felt like I was floating in the darkness again except this time I was alone.

Suddenly there was a big flash of light and I saw Korra rushing down the mountain and a few tried to follow her.

Amon and two of the equalist put an unconscious Tarrlok into the van before Amon walked over toe and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"You did not tell me you are a child blessed by the spirits." I could hear him smiling as he talked. "Come on she can't get far, but we need to get you somewhere safe." He guided me into a van and we drove off.

"I don't understand..."

"A great spirit took control of you, but we will have to work on your control. The spirit refused to attack the Avatar." Amon seemed to be excited. "Once you can control the powers..."

I looked out the window.

"No one could stop us." He slightly shouted.

"Us..." I slowly turned to look at him.

He placed his gloved hand on the side of my mask before it fell off.

"We can make everyone equal and guide them to the better path together."

I quickly realized he was only saying this because he was scared I could easily over power him. That was before I realized he was trying to blood bend me and cut the link to my spirit.

I managed to make a block to stop him from doing so. I guess he thought I wouldn't notice.

I grabbed my mask and moved slightly back.

"We have rescheduled the next rally tomorrow night so you should go and rest."

"I have to pick up some of my designs so could you possibly drop off in the city?"

"As you wish."

We drove in silence as I took the uniform off while my other clothing was under it. I gently folded it around the mask and placed it into my bag.

When I was dropped off I wasn't in the city. I was at a land strip where my designs for the biplane were lined up. The only difference from my design was they were covered with bombs.

"I need to pick up my designs." I stated as I looked back at him.

"I'll send someone to get them we can't risk you going missing again." He tried to sound like he was in charge of me.

Before I could protest. They pulled me out of the van and drove off.

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