Chapter 21

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Katara's pov

"Hey mom." I turned around and saw Kya standing in my doorway.

"Yes Kya?"

"Do you remember that story you would tell Bumi and me when dad would take Tenzin on their trips?"


"Mom." I looked down and saw a crying Kya. "Does Daddy love Tenzin more than us?"

"No he love you all the same." I looked over and saw Bumi was also in the room looking sad.

"Let's go find somewhere nice to sit. I have a story for you guys. One I heard a long time ago from someone dear."

This made them both extremely excited. I'm not sure if it was because I was telling them a story or if  it was because they knew this would be something tenzin would miss out on.

We ended up going outside to the garden and sitting near a small steam.

They sat on both sides of me as I began to make the water show what I was going to tell them.

"Along time ago long before the Avatar even existed. There was the mother spirit. Her name was Visarga. She was sad, so she made the world we live on so she could have a place to call home.  Yet that still wasn't enough she was still alone. She worked for a long time to create her two children. Rava and Vaatu, the spirit of light and peace and the spirit of darkness and chaos. She knew the difference between the two but loved them the same."

They looked at the water in awe as I showed the two spirits based on how Aang described them, but I never got a description for Visarga. I only ever got any description from a girl along time ago.

"She continued to create more spirits for her children to have friends, then moved to create more for the world so her children could have a world to explore. Everything she added to her world she did for her children, because now they were her world.  They began to realize that everything she made she made for them, and they grew to want more.  So she continued to create more for there was nothing she wouldn't create for her children. She began to create new animals ones beyond what anyone could ever imagine. Yet that was still not enough for her children. So she made one last creation something for them to take care of; to make them know what she's done for them.  Rava used her gifts to help mankind learn to survive and build civilization, but Vaatu made the learn to fight and destroy."

Kya nested into my dress she was slightly scared by the story but it was the water that made her relax a little to the story since I made it more child friendly.

"Visarga didn't agree with everything her son did to mankind but knew if he didn't the balance would be off between her children and she wanted them to be equal, but soon they began to fight. They both wanted the world to be ruled their way. Visarga didn't understand why her children fought over the world she made for both of them. So she went around the world trying to figure out why her children fought. She changed herself too look like man so she wouldn't scare them and so she could see how her children influence her creations. She for once saw the bad in her final creation with the war and deception they placed on eachother. In that moment she almost erased mankind but instead changed them. They would have their own free will her children had no control over them, but she could still not take away the influence her children had on the world. She continued to stay in her hidden form to see how she had changed her creations and was finally happy. Well she was until she watched a man under the influence of her son plotting toward a family with vengeance in his heart. She went to see if they were worth saving. To do so she posed as an injured woman lost in the wood.  The family was on a walk little boy in tow and the woman pregnant and the man couldn't seem prouder. She took their walk as a chance to test them. She fell from the wood a way down the path a small ways from them. The man instantly proved himself and ran to the spirit hidden as one of them.  He helped her to his home as his wife warmed up water to clean her wounds. The little boy watched out of curiosity. Over the next couple days they fed her and took care of her. In the middle of the night she got up and left while they slept. She went to the man with plans to hurt the kind family and called forth her daughter. She used her power and her daughter's to change the man's heart and fill it with light. That enraged Vaatu and caused a war between Rava and Vaatu. She couldn't change who her children were because she loved them both the same. So she couldn't make them get along. She pulled them together and made a deal with them knowing what is best for the world she created. In the first ten thousand years she ruled the world, but she wanted to join the world and live among the ones she cared for. She created a bond between her children, if they wanted to fight she would let them, but only one can rule every ten thousand years then they can fight and whoever wins will rule the next ten thousand years. To protect man kind she placed their colonies on the backs of lion turtles and gave the lion turtles the ability to give them bending to protect them  when they went to gather food or if they left but only those who can carry the bending without it destroying the bodies she made since they weren't designed to hold such power. After everything was done the first Harmonic Convergence started and she found her way back to the kind family that helped her."

"Who won the first Harmonic Convergence?" Bumi couldn't help but ask.

"Visarga knew that both of her children were strong but Rava was currently weak after she helped her mother change that man's heart by force instead of influence. So her brother got lucky." I looked down at him and he was surprised. "For the first Harmonic Convergence Vaatu had won and created chaos but Visarga did something to disrupt his ten thousand years of rein. She went back to the family that showed they were worth saving and found the woman had given birth to a young daughter who was very sick. A truly pure soul inside a failing  human shell she designed to be perfect.  She realized Vaatu winning the first Harmonic Convergence  placed impurities in her creations future that she would never be able to erase, but she could help that family, that little girl. She thanked the family for showing her that her creation is good and explained who she is. The mother spirit, the spirit of creation and destruction. To show her thanks she blessed the little girl and gave her a chance at a happy life. The best of lives Visarga saw to be possible." 

I looked at my children and they close to falling asleep.

"That girl was a hero that lived throughout many centuries coming in and out of the spirit world to follow in the foot steps of the spirit that gave her life a chance and great promise."

*End flashback*

"Mom is the girl in that story Chia-Jung?" She sat down next to me as I watched the sunrise.

"Yes, but there's part of the story I didn't tell you." I looked out my window at the star filled sky. "While Visarga thought she blessed the child  it's been a curse of never ending life and torment from her son.  He wants the her to join his forces to destroy his sister. He's been trying for almost thousands years. He won't quit until he is able to get rid of his sister or when Chia-Jung is gone for good."

"Why does she forget who she is?"

"Whenever she goes to the spirit world Visarga always takes control. Except when she goes to Wan shi tong library. Only then do they live together in her body."

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