Chapter 15

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Kali in fighting gear.

Chia-jung's POV

I stayed in my seat as I watched her fight. It was different than I've seen any earth bending. She was graceful yet still firm with her bending.

She cartwheeled to avoid getting hit by a giant rock. At the same time as dodging she collected earth from the ground and launched it at the man hitting him square in the chest, twice.

The man doubled over for a second before he shot up to try and attack again. He lifted a huge bolder into the air and was about to launch it until a lot of dirt flew up into the air surrounding Kali. There was no way to see her threw the dirt until suddenly the dirt began to spread even more.

Everything seemed to grow calm until a sudden wall of earth shot out of the dirt like lightning at the man. The dirt quickly fell to the ground and Kali was standing there as the man launched himself into the air to avoid the wall. Just for Kali to grab his foot with earth and drag him down.

He wasn't lucky because when he landed he landed on his face.

"They call you earthquake queen right?" The man slowly sat up with blood dripping down his face from his nose. "Its more like princess." The guy began to laugh as he launched a boulder at her.

Just as the boulder looked like it made contact with her it split in half and landed behind her.

"Do you know why they call me The Earthquake Queen?"

Suddenly the ground began to shake as chunks of earth flew into the air and began to spin around her. She stopped and all of the chunks of earth crashed to the ground sending a violent shaking that sent the man flying out of the ring and into the crowd. I looked around and most of the crowd had fallen out of their seats and I was barely still in mine. During all of this she never even moved from her place in the ring.

Suddenly there was a loud sound that was a bit muffled.

"Its the police!" Someone yelled as a door busted open.

"Chia-jung let's go!" Kali randomly appeared next to me and began to drag me out of the room and down a dark hallway that lead to another alley.

We ran for a few more minutes until we arrived on a quiet street. Then we began to walk.

"We have to blend in." She wrapped her arm around my shoulders and began to laugh.

"So what lead you to underground fighting?" I quietly asked after I caught my breath.

"That's not a very interesting story." She blushed as she spoke.

"I don't believe that." I laughed a bit.

"I use to read about the Blind Bandit and how she was victorious in ever fight she had in the Earth Rumble 6, with exception to Avatar Aang and his air bending. I always admired Toph Beifong and I read more about her life and I wanted to grow up to be like her. So I worked hard to be a the best bender I could and after a while that no longer was my goal. I fell in love with fighting. I still want to be the best I can but now I have a goal to be a better fighter than Toph Beifong." She was still blushing but seemed a bit more determined.

"That seems a bit far fetched don't you think?" We turned around to see the chief of police, Lin Beifong.

"Fuck..." Kali muttered as she turned around.

"So Earthquake Princess. Are you going to fight or come in willingly?" Lin crossed her arms like she was ready to fight. Then she noticed me. "Chia-jung? Great."

"I will cooperate. Only because I don't want her to get hurt," Kali said as she motioned to me.

"Come on then." We willingly walked in front of her where she handcuffed us and put us in the back of a big police vehicle.

"They caught you?" A man looked surprised to see Kali.

"No I let them take me. Besides I want to talk to Lin Beifong about what she meant." She turned to talk to me during her last sentence.

"Well I guess you'll have to wait and find out."

"Shut up back there." A guard yelled before the door slammed and we began to move.

It didn't take long for us to get to the police station and get placed in private rooms or groups cells. Of course I was placed in a metal room with no doors or windows. Just lights and a single air vent placed perfectly in the center of the ceiling.

A rectangular opening formed in the wall and Lin Beifong walked into the room.

"Ok so do want to explain what you were doing at that underground bending rink?" She sat down in front of me.

I honestly was expecting her to be ruthless like Korra said she was, but she was actually really calm.

"I was asked to go." I shrugged my shoulders and leaned back in my chair.

"I'm guessing it was the girl you were with?" She sighed and rubbed her forehead.

"Yea. I was with Korra and her friends and then me and this guy went on a snack run. Then he ditched me after I ran into Kali. She offered to show what she likes to do. And I said yes to going with her." After I gave the quick version I began to tell her everything detail for detail and everything I thought while Kali was fighting. Well almost everything.

"Ok so... That was a lot of talking. So what I gathered was you were on a spontaneous date with Kali and ended up here?" She looked a bit confused.

"It wasn't a date. I was ditched so we hung out." I was hoping I wasn't blushing but by the smirk on her face I think I was. "Am I being charged with anything?"

"Well according to our undercover you didn't participate in any fights so I guess not. But my only question is why did you run?" She leaned forward and placed her elbows on the table.

"I was scared I didn't know what was going on. One minute I'm watching a fight then the next Kali grabbed my hand and we ran. Why did you chose to chase us specifically?"

"I'm the one asking the questions." She was a bit hard to read I could only see what she wanted me to see and I'm pretty sure she could tell if I'm lying. If she is Toph Beifong's daughter I'm sure she picked that up. "But to answer your question. It is because the guy she fought was our undercover who got cocky."

"Oh... well... That sucks. You should have see the fight thought it was amazing." I relaxed a bit. "Its kinda sad your undercover officer got beat by a teenage girl though even if she is an amazing bender, aren't you guys supposed to train your officers to be the best?"

"They are trained to protect the people of Republic City so everyone can live in peace." She leaned toward me. I guess I hit a nerve or something.

"You said you aren't charging me right? So can I leave?"

"Yea. Your friend will be out depending if she agrees to our deal." She stood up and walked over to the wall. I quickly got up and followed her. "You can wait for her if you wish or I can have a guide take you back to air temple island." The wall opened up as she spoke ams we both walked out of the room.

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