Chapter 7

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Chia-jung's POV

We literally spent hours going through the missing persons records not a single one matched my description, or had a matching name.  They had plenty of Chias or Jungs but we didn't find a single Chia-jung. Then we went snuck into the world records of missing people but still nothing.

"We can see if we can get back in tomorrow, but for now I think we should go eat and get plenty of rest." She said as she began to walk past the shelves that were filled with thousands of files.

"How could their not be a single person in this world with my name. Its not like it never existed. It is my name after all." I spoke softly to myself.

"We'll figure it out don't worry, plus its not as common for people to have two first names anymore." Kya said as she walked me out of building.

It was now quiet outside as the sun began to set leaving the sky fading from a bright orange into a dark blue.

"If we hurry we can make it to dinner before the food is cold." She grabbed my hand and quickly lead me back to the ship that would take is to Air Temple island. "We are ready to go." She told the man controlling the ship.

"Yes Master Kya." The man lowered his head before he began to start the boat.

"These White Lotus and their formalities." She sighed as she began to play with water from the sea.

It seemed like it took less time to get back to the island than it did leaving it.

When we got there an old lady in water tribe clothing was waiting.

"Kya, my daughter."

"Hey mom." Kya immediately went and hugged the woman.

I didn't want to bother this mother daughter moment so I carefully walked past them without them noticing and went into the room I shared with Korra.

"I've never seen clothes like those before. They really are beautiful." The older of the air bending girls was standing in the door way of the room.

"Hey I didn't see you there. You can come in if you want." I said as sat down on my bed.

"I don't think I ever introduced myself." She smiled sweetly at me. "My name is Jinora. I'm sure you already noticed I'm an air bender."

"Well its nice to me you Jinora. I'm Chia-jung, but you can call me Chia or Jung if you want." I stood back up and held my hand to shake with hers.

"Its nice to meet you as well." She hesitantly shook my hand like it wasn't natural for her. "Well dinner is ready if you are hungry."

"Yes. I'm starved." I said as we began to leave the room.

Everyone was sitting at a table decorated with food.

"Chia-jung, sit where ever you like." Tenzin spoke as he helped his wife to the table.

"I hope you like Five Flavor soup." Kya smiled as she put some in a bowl and passed it to me.

Shortly everyone had begun eating but I noticed the the old woman was starring at me.

"So Chia how are you enjoying the meal?" The pregnant woman, who's name I was told was Pema, asked.

"Its really good."

"Katara helped me fix it the way it would be made in the southern water tribe. Since I've never actually cooked it before."

"You did a great job dear. You didn't even need me to help you." The woman finally looked away from me and smiled.

After a few minutes I finished eating and I saw Katara was starring at me again.

"Thank you for the meal if was amazing. May I be excused?" I stood up and picked up my bowl.

"Yea go ahead hun." Kya said before going back to her conversation.

"Children why don't you go clean up and get ready for bed. Us grown ups need to talk." Tenzin said before two of his kids quickly got up and ran off leaving behind their dishes, which Jinora picked up and took to the kitchen. "Avatar Korra. Would you be kind enough to go as well? You might want to go to bed tomorrow is going to be a long day of training."

"Ok. I'll go not because you want me to but because I'm actually pretty tired." She yawned and picked up her bowl.

I wasn't sure why I was standing there still but something was drawing me to stay.

"Are you ok dear?" Katara asked as she made eye contact with me.

Her blue eyes seemed to draw my attention. Something about them was extremely familiar but also very foreign.

I managed to shake myself out of the trance I was in to answer. "Yea. I'm fine." I adjusted how the bowl was in my hands before I walked into the kitchen.

After I entered the kitchen I heard someone yell. "Don't worry about washing those I'll clean them up when we are done."

"Ok." I whispered as I put the bowl in the sink.

I was going to head to bed but I guess all the sleeping on the way here gave me more energy than I used today. So I went out to the courtyard and walked around.

Suddenly I felt something drawing me toward the edge of the island. The water was eerily calm and the moon perfectly reflected off it.  The rest of the water was darkened by the night. I tensed up at the darkness which seemed to grow darker as the pull felt stronger.

"Hey Chia? You ok?" I turned around to see Korra on Naga.

"Um..." I looked back at the water before turning around. "Yea. I guess so." Suddenly the draw to the water was gone and I relaxed a bit.

"Well I'm going to meet up with some new friends. Do you want to come along?" She held her hand out to me so I took it. "Hold on tight." She said after she pulled me up.

Suddenly Naga dived into the water.

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