Chapter 6

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Picture is of Chia-jung and the outfit she was found in.
Chia-jung's POV

"So we can head to the record center tomorrow. I want to spend some time with my family." Kya patted my back and began to walk away. "Watch out for the kids they'll have you answering more question than you can count."

Suddenly three air bender kids came zooming by on balls of air.

"Hi Auntie Kya."

Suddenly the youngest girl started asking a thousand questions.

"Whose that girl over there?" Suddenly she came over to me. "Who are you? Why do you have two colored eyes? Are you a Bender? Are you from the water tribe? You look like you are from the water tribe. Did you eye just change colors? Why didn't the other one? Are you staying here with us?" She asked more questions that I couldn't catch because after a while her words began to blur together.

"Ikki take it easy on her. She is very tired." Kya quickly stepped in. "Her name is Chia-jung. You can talk to her more later right now we need to get settled in and we have to do some things in the city." Kya handed me my suitcase as a bald man with an arrow on his head walked up to us.

"Kya its nice to see you." He had a small smile on his face then he made eye contact with me. "You brought a friend?" He looked a bit surprised. "I thought this was going to be a family visit?"

"I need to talk to you about her. In private." I think she meant to speak so I couldn't hear but I heard every word.

"Ok well I'll have her share a room with Korra. There is an spare bed in that room. Mom is currently in the only other ready room, I assumed you would share a room mom since you live with her." He stroked his beard as he thought about what to do.

"Are you fine with sharing a room with Korra?" Kya turned to me.

"I'm fine with that Korra seems pretty cool."

"Just don't be a distraction from her air bending training." He scowled before he took my suitcase and handed it to a man in navy blue and white robes that had a white flower on his back. Please take this girl to Avatar Korra's room and her suitcase too." He handed my suitcase to the man before he walked off with Kya.

After a couple minutes I was in a room where I was to stay.

"So Tenzin just told me you're going to be my roommate," Korra said as she entered the room. She plopped down onto a bed that was already made. "I've never had a roommate before." She turned away and began to unpack her bags.

"Its not always great." I instinctively said. As I opened me suitcase and began to change out of the water tribe clothing since I was starting to get a little hot.

"Those are cute." I turned to face Korra I was hoping she didn't see the scars on my body. "Where did you get them?"

"These ones Kya had made for me because they were similar to what I was found wearing." I looked down at them. They were almost exactly like the ones I was found in only a couple were reversed. In the very bottom of the bag I found a pair of black sandals.

I slowly began to put the sandals on and they were weird but better than the boots I had to wear while at the southern water tribe.

"Hey I'm going to be heading into the city later do you want to come along?" Korra smiled as Naga placed her head on Korra's bed. "You can come along too girl." Korra pet the polar bear dog as her tail began to furiously wag.

"I believe Kya was planing on taking me to the archives later so I'm gonna have to pass this time." I stood up and placed my clothing in drawer of the nightstand next to my bed.

"You ready to go Chia?" Kya stepped into our room.

"Yes. I am." I was actually pretty excited I've never been in a city like this one. "I'll see you later Korra." I waved to her as I left the room.

"So I have to stop and talk to an old friend before we go to the archives because she is kinda the only way we won't get in trouble if we are there after hours." She smirked as we got onto another ship.

This time the ride was only about 20 minutes. The walking though was completely different. It felt like hours of walking through crowds and avoiding what I was told were called Satomobiles.

I may not remember my past but I'm almost positive these machines didn't exist. At least not that I've seen.

"Hey Lin!" Kya ran over to a woman wearing a metal uniform. "Hey I need a favor. I need access to the missing person archives."

"Kya. You know I can't let you in there..." Suddenly Kya grabbed Lin's uniform and pulled her close enough to whisper in her ear. What ever was said was enough to cause a soft pink to come to this intimidating woman's face. "You wouldn't." She suddenly said with a look of shock on her face.

"Lin you know me." Kya smirked as Lin sighed. "I just need a few hours."

"Fine." Lin pinched her nose as she waved her hand. "Just tell the guard I sent you. But you can no longer use that against me. You only get to use that favor once."

"Come on. We don't have all day Pema is making dinner."

"Who is Pema?" I asked as she opened a door to a big building.

"Oh she's Tenzin's wife. She is the only pregnant lady on air temple island. Bless her heart she is making water tribe for for us tonight. And mom too." She sounded excited about the thought of food.

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