Chapter 1- Bargain

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"Make every bargain clear and plain, that none may afterwards complain" - Proverb quotes

"Do you have an appointment ma'am?" Asked the receptionist for the fifth time.

"No I don't." I answered for the tenth time. We're talking like a rollercoaster ride. It is as if someone is asking me, which came first, the chicken or the egg? We're talking like this probably for almost twenty minutes now and I already memorized the lines of the two receptionists.

Why on earth they are this stubborn?

Maybe you're too stubborn yourself, my logical side taunts me.

"You have to make an appointment first before you can talk to him, ma'am." The receptionist replied with exasperation evident in her voice, but still managed to be polite as possible. The other receptionist beside her is looking at me from head to toe questioning me with her eyes who's this crazy woman?

"I need to talk to him right now, it's very important, please!" I pleaded trying to use my charm, but since the two are ladies, that's of no use. That moment, I really hope the receptionists are male, that way I can have even a slight hope that my charm will work.

"As much as I want to help you ma'am, it's impossible. It means breaking the SOP and it can cost me my job. I'm really sorry." The kind receptionist replied with finality.

"I'm his fiancée and I need to talk to him." I blurted out to my surprise. What has gotten into me to say that? Well, what's said is said and I can't take it back.

The two receptionists are not surprised with that as much as I do. Maybe because I'm not the first crazy woman who appeared in front of them claiming that I'm the girlfriend of the CEO. Oh, right, not only girlfriend but fiancée. How about that?

"And I'm the wife." The other receptionist replied sarcastically while laughing and added. "If you continue to be that stubborn, I have no choice but to call the guards to take you out."



I didn't finish my words as the receptionist called the guards, but before they could drag me out of the building my knight in shining armor appeared at the scene. Who? No other than the CEO himself, Leandro Valderama III.


Leandro's POV

"What's happening here?" I asked the receptionists as I look at them. I can see the guards dragging someone in the corner of my eye and they are causing a scene in front of the building.

The two receptionists stiffened and I can feel their uneasiness. Well, that's not something unusual. Almost everyone in the building suddenly freeze when I'm around. It is as if I have this disease I'm not even aware of maybe a frozen syndrome, which is contagious from the time I step in the building, the guard will freeze and then the receptionist and then the elevator operator and so on. They're like dominos but contrasting one, instead of falling one after the other, they stiffened and froze in place one after the other as I passed in front of them. The feeling made me amused but irritated at the same time.

Maybe that's my father's doing. He's one hell of a boss. One mistake and you're out. He rules like an emperor and no one can tame him except of course my mother. When it comes to my mother, she always gets what she wants and my father always bends into her will. It's really amazing how she does that. And I wonder if I can even find someone like her in my life. I mean someone who can easily bend my knees down and beg for her mercy. Maybe not exactly like that, but probably close to that.

As for me, I'm one hell of a boss too but not as severe as my father. I can tolerate mistakes but with a limit of three. If you cross it, that's another story and you wouldn't want to hear the beginning nor the end of it.

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