The Drummer

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Second OC with no fandom-based thing. Yeet!

Name: "I'm Tracy Steinfeld. Nice meeting you."

Age: "I'm 18, and I'm also the youngest in my band."

Gender: "You want me to take off my pants to find out?" (Female)

Sexuality: "I'm a lesbian. Got a problem with that?" (Homosexual)

Looks: "I'm literally right in front of you..." (Pic up top^)

Personality: "Some people say I'm a punk just because of my outfit, but that's not true." (Tracy is a tomboy. She could do anything a guy does and rarely does anything girls would usually do. She may sometimes be the one who's always cracking up jokes and tease her friends, but she's actually a really nice guy once you need something from her. Just don't aggravate her, though, because she's a type of person who could pick up a fight.)

Powers/Abilities: "I'm not superhuman, but I could play the drums well."

Likes: "My friends and sometimes, my older brother. These guys have been there for me for the longest time. I also like playing the drums, guitar, and the piano. And the first time I got in the Roleplay Crew, I'm kind of attracted to Alice. Don't tell her, though."

Dislikes: "Being told what to do by those who I barely know. I really hate people who judge me being a tomboy and more importantly, being a lesbian. It's just what I am, so why judge? One more thing, I don't like playing the bass."

Backstory: "Better find out. Heheh..."

Other: "I play in a band named 'The Black Rose.' We play at a local bar near my apartment, and we usually compose songs in my study."


Scenario 1 (prefereably female OC): You decided to go at a local bar and have a drink since you want to forget your most recent break-up. You drank a few shots before the announcer told everyone that a band named "The Black Rose" will be playing. The band finally got on-stage. There were three guys and a girl, who seemed to be wearing almost the same thing their guitarist wears. She was the one who caught almost everyone's eyes in the place, yours included. They played for about thirty minutes and the audience roared at their performance. After five minutes, they went backstage to celebrate another successful performance. You...?

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