The Undead

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Before I do Six's sister, here's an OC I haven't used in a very long time.

Name: Matthias Davids

Nickname: Matt

Age: Unknown, but records say as of now, he's more than 500 years old.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight, but has no love interest due to his issues.

Looks: Matt looks around 30 years old, and stands for around 5'9" tall. He has a rather thin body covered in very pale skin. He has black hair, short but has bangs almost covering his left eye. He has eyes with black irises in them, but some evidences show that when some sort of dark being in him wakes up, his eyes turn purely black and black essence comes out of his wicked mouth when he speaks and through his nostrils when he breaths. He wears a grey hoodie, black jeans, and black sneakers.

Personality: Surprisingly, Matt, even though being undead, shows a very good behavior. He's a kind person. A good man. Though, as for being undead, he can't feel love. He doesn't whenever he either gives it or receives it. But, a rather dark being inside him would change all that. He'll become evil and twisted, and will stop at nothing to destroy everything in his path.

- The Necrotic Blade if the Immortal (Matt uses his dark magic to summon his most trusty weapon: a long, black blade that kind of looks like Arthas's Frostmourne with two big skulls on the hilt. A touch of it's blade will surely separate the soul from the body, and the blade immediately consumes it.)
- Teleportation (Matt can teleport to any place he wishes, as long as it is in a 60 km radius.)
- Soul chain (Matt uses chains made of pure darkness to consume the souls without using his sword. Evidences show that he chains the victim's soul, that looks like a heart, then brings it to his hand and crushes it.)
- Necromancy (Matt summons the dead to fight alongside him in large battles.)
- Healing Magic (Some of his magic when he was still alive still remains in him.)

Likes: People. He really loves to socialize. And also to try new things.

Dislikes: Anyone doing mortally evil deeds. He says those souls are the tastiest ones, but he really doesn't like the people to do that to their fellows.

Other: He has a soft spot for nekos.

Matt was believed to be one of the highest ranking mages during the war between humans and monsters. He aided those who were wounded and ceased to fight. One fateful day, he lost during his battle between a big female sea creature (Undyne, just for you guys to understand). His body laid in the midst of the field, until darkness itself took over his lifeless body. From then on, he wandered the world, greeting humans he ran into and stayed with them for hospitality, and also slain forces of evil.

Alright! Time for the scenarios.

Scenario 1:
Y/c sees a hooded figure standing at the foot of a tall tree. You walked over to it to see who it was.

Scenario 2:
Make your own!

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