The Halfling (Female)

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Halfling: Half-human and half-morphling. Also a bio weapon and a more efficient version of the morphling.

Morphling: A creature made by Moira O'Deorain as a bio weapon. It has the ability to shapeshift and is almost indestructible. Weak spot is the eyes.

Opening file of one of the few halflings...

Name: Scarlet

Nicknames: None

Age: 17, or 14 years younger than Six

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual (leans more towards girls)

Looks: Refer to the pictures above^^

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Looks: Refer to the pictures above^^. Scarlet is 5" tall and has purple eyes (instead of blue ones). She could be seen in either a white hoodie and a black shirt, or a black hoodie and a red shirt. But she can also wear that^^.

Personality: Scarlet is a really shy girl. She's a real introvert, but when she makes a small group of friends, she would hang out with them a lot and would be one of the noisiest people of the group. She's also protective when it comes to friends and family, and would rarely be mischievous.


/Like any morphlings, she could shapeshift into anyone just by touching or stealing their DNA (The difference? Touching would still leave the host alive, while stealing their DNA would kill them.)

/She could transform her arms into weapons (she mostly uses claws, a long blade, and some sort of hook).

/She could leap high (about as high as 15 storeys) and far (almost 10 city blocks at max). She's also resistant to fall damage (lel gaming much?).

/Like any other experiments by Moira, she has the ability to fade.

/She has fast regeneration powers, but this could wear out if she takes too much strikes, blows, shots, etc., resulting to her death.

Likes: Anime, Six (her mentor), being alone most of the time

Dislikes: A lot of people, some bad memories she steals from her hosts for shapeshifting, Moira, bad guys.

Backstory: (still a work in progress heheh)

Closing file...

For the scenarios, just make them up.

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