imagine 28 :- DAMON

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It feels like ages since I last wrote a Damon imagine. But yeah Damon is here! XD

Also, this one was requested by infinitybrittany.

Read along, Guys! 


"C'mon, Y/N! You gotta tell us what's bothering you if you want us to help you!" Caroline exclaimed as she flopped on the other side of the bed. Things were finally looking uphill now and everyone around you were more cheerful than they had been since a long time. The only gloominess was being caused by you and even if you didn't want your despair to affect your friend's cheerful mood, you couldn't help it. It's never easy to hide the trouble of a broken heart.

Caroline sighed when you didn't say anything and left. They were leaving for college today. You were scheduled to go a few days later and were thus still sprawled on your bed wearing your pajamas. As you heard Caroline taking steps down the stairs, the tears flooded your eyes and slipped past your eye to be soaked by the pillow. You didn't like feeling this way. This was not you. But not being able to share your problems with anyone was tearing you apart from the inside.

How could you tell your friends that you were insecure about the way you look? Y/N, who even though never boasted about anything, but had the perfect amount of confidence in herself, was insecure? They couldn't even imagine it. This made it even harder for them to understand why she was upset.

With all the drama between Elena, Stefan and Damon, Caroline and Tyler, Jeremy and Bonnie and the whole original vampires and hybrids and kill-Elena-to-be-a-hybrid drama, Y/N didn't realise when she fell in love and she definitely didn't realise how hard she fell.

Damon Salvatore, the bad guy, the irrational vampire, the one who doesn't care who he kills to get what he wants, stole her heart from right under her nose before she could even blink her eyes.

Y/N had been very shocked when she first realised that Damon had been developing feelings for Elena. It was the time when Stefan had to follow Klaus out of Mystic Falls while Klaus tried to make more hybrids. Damon was always with Elena trying to keep her smiling and Y/N appreciated that but she had also noticed how Damon would sometime stop what he was doing only to keep staring at Elena. Elena was oblivious of Damon's feelings. She was so troubled by Stefan leaving that the only thing she was concerned about was bringing her back.

Just as Y/N realised that he had been developing feelings for Damon, one thing led to another and she started wondering about why Damon never really noticed her like that. Yeah, Damon did speak to her, a lot too. The vampire enjoyed a similar sense of humour and sarcasm that she shared with him and also how any sexual innuendo would make her blush crimson. But the attraction he felt towards Elena, sometimes overpowered his friendship and the time he spent with Y/N.

Every time Damon left Y/N to spend time with Elena, Y/N would lose herself in negative thoughts. She wondered if Damon would have noticed her if she was skinny and not a little bit on the chubby side. She thought that Damon was not attracted to her because she had more muscles than the rest of her friends. These thoughts brought more unnecessary negative thoughts and it didn't help that she didn't share it with anyone. Slowly, Y/N started feeling uncomfortable in her own skin. She stopped going out because she thought she looked bad, she stopped hanging out with her friends as well. The only friend she had at the time was Stefan Salvatore who stood beside the opened window and watched the only one he considered a friend in Mystic Falls crying herself to sleep.

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