Chapter Twenty: The Proposal

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He didn't care that Patsy noticed his eyes on Izzy. Sitting next to her on the uncomfortable wooden bench, he made no attempt to hide it. His dislike for Patsy had grown ever since the boys left. From the point she convinced Corbin to let the boys go, she'd shed her skin and he'd had a look inside at the monster she really was. What bothered him most was, she didn't seem to understand why he was upset with her.

To her, it was all just business. Everyone in her life seemed to be maneuvered around like pawns in her nasty game of chess. He'd spent the last few days wondering how dark a hole he'd need to crawl into, to marry a woman like her. Was it worth the money, the prestige, the fame?

He was miserable. Stuck. Conflicted. If he left her, his career was guaranteed to spiral down the tubes along with Hank and Gene's. Corbin had already promised that. But if he stayed, he'd be giving up the last of his soul.

All too late, he realized he hadn't been in love with her. He'd been in love with her fame and what she'd helped him get—his dream. He'd used her just as much as she'd used him.

Patsy came to the wedding out of obligation. Declining would have felt like a slap in the face to her father, who was a good friend of Warren's. And Patsy was all about appearances.

But, she hadn't been keen on being shoved into the spotlight with Izzy, whom the tabloids still reported as his secret lover. All stars knew that the paparazzi loved to sneak their way into Hollywood weddings, and would drool at a picture of the two women together.

He'd secretly wanted to see Izzy again. He tried to play off his longing as curiosity, or a simple muse to pass the time. But, the moment he'd seen her, every fiber of his body reacted all at the same time, disproving that theory one thousand times.

As the audience stood, he peered through the crowd at the dark haired girl with soft brown eyes. The simple island girl whose kiss seemed to preoccupy his thoughts more and more.

Billy McDonald—what was she doing with that middle-aged greaser? His blood ran so hot, he barely noticed Patsy's hand on his arm.

"You could at least try to hide the fact that you're drooling all over her," she said, hurt in her voice.

He pushed past the crowd, ignoring her. Why Billy of all people? He was a spineless movie producer, known for drugging his actresses and taking advantage of them. Seasoned actresses knew to stay away from him. Only those desperate for their first gig ventured his way and took their chances. Rumor had it, he had some connections to the mob. He knew he was one of Warren's cronies, the two made good company.

With growing consternation, he watched as the old snake brought her a drink.

"I know you're angry with me," Patsy hissed, coming to stand beside him. "But, I won't have you publicly humiliating me over that tramp."

He turned to her, an angry glint in his dark eyes. "You and I are together by contract only." His voice was low enough for only her to hear. "Nothing more."

His anger dissipated a little at her wounded expression, instantly feeling sorry for the cruelty of his words. But, she recovered quickly, hatred lighting up her eyes along with a new look of determination.

"You will not make a fool out of me, Wes Rizzo," she said, her voice low and calculated. "I'm not your average dim witted hussy, fawning over your every move. I've given you everything I have, poured myself out for you. You're making a huge mistake."

A single tear fell down her cheek. She swiped it away and turned, shoulders high, making her way towards the crowd. Wes watched as she joined a group of young actresses and instantly turned on her charm, laughing hysterically at something one of them said.

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