Chapter Three: A Suitor

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"I'm sorry that I surprised you with Lou," said Janet, picking at her hair in the bathroom mirror.

The flecks of gold in her hair and the way she flipped it over her shoulder reminded Izzy of Gloria. But that was where the comparison ended. Janet was prim and proper, a real lady by every definition. In all the years Izzy had known her, she'd never uttered a swear word, or even raised her voice, for that matter. She was the perfect picture of composure, never wavering her careful balance.

"It's not your fault," Izzy said. "Anyway, Lou's a nice guy. And so is Fred. You're really lucky to have found someone like him, he adores you."

For the last hour, Izzy felt almost like her old self again. It was, quite honestly, the first time since she returned home that she'd been able to truly relax and enjoy life. Lou wasn't as forward as she'd first made him out to be. He seemed content with small talk and made no moves to woo her, which put her at ease.

"Have you decided when your wedding will be?" she asked.

"This spring. Probably the end of April," said Janet with a delighted smile. "My mother and Fred's mother are so excited. They meet at least once every single week to work on the preparations. I just need to finish my dress. And, I want you to be a bridesmaid. That's part of the reason I was trying to get a hold of you."

"I'd love to," said Izzy, blocking out the sharp pain in her chest.

The last time she'd been out with Janet, she'd planned on asking her the same thing. She'd been elated that night when Donny had promised to marry her. But, it was all a lie. That day she called him when he didn't show up to the house flashed through her mind, tormenting her. Peering at Janet's radiant smile in the mirror, she realized a bridesmaid might be as close as she would come to getting married.

Janet caught her expression. "The perfect guy is out there waiting for you too, Izzy. I hope I can be your bridesmaid when it happens." She giggled. "Especially if it's Wes Rizzo."

"I'd bet on Lou before Wes Rizzo," Izzy said.

Janet cast her a sideways glance through the mirror. "Do you like him? I mean, it would be perfect. And he is pretty dreamy. Of course, not as dreamy as Fred."

Izzy frowned. "Don't get your hopes up. I'm not looking. Not for—quite awhile."

Over the speakers in the ceiling of the pink and green tiled powder room, Doris Day's voice rang out in a ballad. Janet's lips formed to say something, but she thought better of it. Instead, she stuffed her makeup, spread out on the counter, back into her clutch.

The two men were waiting for them, grasping their coats in outstretched arms.

Fred nudged Lou, a grin spreading on his face. "What did I tell you? A girl's bathroom break is no shorter than ten minutes. When two or more women go to the bathroom, men should be scared. Because we know they're talking about us."

"Only good things," said Janet, pecking him on the cheek.

Lou held Izzy's coat while she put it on. She tried not to think about how many times Donny had done the same thing, only he always followed it with a brush of his lips on the back of her neck. She shivered at the thought. His lips had felt so warm and tender at the time, she'd misinterpreted it as an act of love.

"There's a real blizzard out there," Lou said, breaking her thoughts. "Good thing we don't have far to go. We'll drop you off right at home this time."

As she stepped outside, the artic air hit her, momentarily taking Izzy's breath away. In front of her, Janet's foot slipped on a patch of ice that had formed on the sidewalk. Her arms swung as she stumbled backwards. Fred caught her before she could fall. Her wrapped her in his arms, laughing. "Be careful sweetheart, you don't want to break anything before the wedding."

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