Chapter Ten: Collision

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Mid step, the trance wore off and Izzy was overcome with the urge to run away. What was she doing? He couldn't see her. If he recognized her—and that was a big if—he'd wonder why she was there and the lies would start all over again.

Besides, he was engaged. She spun around, coming face to face with Rita.

"Let's go somewhere—anywhere else."

Rita looked her over. "Oh—alright." She hurried after Izzy as she made her way towards a large fountain on the other side of the yard. "Did something else happen between the two of you on the island?"

"Nothing like what you're thinking." Izzy let out a nervous laugh. She ran a hand through the clear stream of water cascading from an oversized merman's hands. "I just think it would be better if he didn't see me. Considering—."

Rita leaned against the edge of the fountain, finishing the rest of her champagne, her eyes on the stage. She tilted her head, shooting Izzy a sideways glance. "He is awfully handsome."

"And engaged." Izzy dried her hand on her dress, pouring the last of the champagne into the grass. Her head was beginning to throb.

Rita studied her. "How did I miss all this? There we were, stuck in that awful stone prison, and you managed to have a rendezvous with a handsome boy and keep it all a secret?"

"Gloria had a big mouth," said Izzy. "I was afraid she'd tell."

"True—but you could have told me."

"I was going to. But it happened right before the night you—."

They both knew her next words. Rita's face paled a bit, and Izzy wished she hadn't brought it up.

"What do you think Gloria's doing now?" she asked, changing the subject.

"Who knows. Stirring up trouble somewhere, I suppose. I miss her though. Before you came, we went through a lot together."

"There you ladies are." Lucy sashayed towards them, two other women at her side.

Izzy immediately recognized them both; Doris Michaels, a striking redhead, and Georgina Martin, her classic raven hair in a pixie cut. She'd seen them both on television. Doris had her own show and Georgina played lead roles in the both movies and television shows. It was surreal to see them standing in the flesh in front of her.

"Here we go," Rita said under her breath. She straightened, pulling herself off the edge of the fountain.

"Rita!" Doris raced over in her heels and grabbed her hands, her long lashed eyes wide with excitement. Izzy could smell the alcohol on her breath as she spoke."We meet again! How have you been, my dear?"

"Fabulous!" said Rita. "This is my friend, Izzy. She's come to visit for the wedding."

Doris's eyes flitted to Izzy, then back to Rita. "Oh yes, your wedding. It's only a week away, isn't it? But—where is your fiancé right now?"

Izzy caught Doris give the other two women a telling look.

"He's somewhere nearby." Rita scanned the yard. "He had some business to take care of."

"I'm sure he did," Doris said, patting Rita on the shoulder. "Anyhow, Georgina here was dying to meet you. None of us could believe it when we heard the great Warren Stone was actually getting hitched."

"I first met Warren when I was living at Hollywood Studio Club," Georgina said, finishing the last of her drink. "I was barely eighteen, desperately trying to get my feet wet. He'd visit ever so often and pick out girls to audition for him."

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