Chapter Eleven: Hollywood Affairs

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Wes' eyes locked with hers. He faltered for a moment before his dark brow furrowed and he turned away, guiding Patsy towards the house. Izzy watched him leave, her heart dropping a little at his disregard.

"You sure have a thing with water, don't you?" Hank gave her a crooked smile, forcing her to turn her gaze from Wes. "First the beach and now the pool."

Seeing Izzy's frown, he backpaddled. "It's alright. You couldn't have picked a worse person to push into the pool—but she'll get over it—eventually."

Gene punched him in the shoulder, shooting Izzy an apologetic look. "He clearly doesn't know when to shut up."

He stepped back, running a hand through his hair. His hazel eyes sweeping over her. "Boy, Izzy, you look beautiful. Striking, really. So different than the first time we met on the island—uh—I mean, you were pretty then too, but now—."

"Ha! And you talk about me!" said Hank. "Don't mind Gene here, Izzy. Or our pal, Wes. He's kinda got a big head since we made it."

"So, what's the tale nightingale?" asked Gene. "How did you get here?"

Izzy pulled her dress up slightly to reveal her aching knees. One of them had started to bleed. "I took a train. Came all the way here for my friend, Rita's wedding. But, it hasn't exactly turned out the way I'd planned."

She cringed, sensing Warren hovering behind her. His betrayal flashed through her mind. Her stomach twisted at the realization that she would have to tell Rita what she'd seen.

She couldn't imagine how she'd feel. And, where would she go if she left Warren? Back home? Her head began to throb again.

"Oh, Izzy, you're hurt." Gene moved in to get a better look at her knees.

"It's probably time we get Rita and head home," said Warren behind her, nearly causing her to jump.

As if on cue, Rita came rushing down the concrete, her clutch swinging in her hand. Seeing them standing at the pool, she stopped, eyes wide. "I heard there was a commotion, what on earth happened?"

Izzy opened her mouth to speak, but Warren interrupted. "It was all an accident. But things are settled now, sweetheart. No need to worry." He placed a kiss on Rita's forehead.

Izzy felt sick inside, instantly loathing Warren. He had a lot of nerve, acting as if nothing happened in the pool house just moments ago.

Rita gave her a questioning look, as if sensing there was more. But, Izzy avoided her, bile inching up her throat.

"Hold on, before you go—tomorrow night Hank and I are going to be at Ciros. You can't come all the way to Hollywood without going to Ciros." Gene looked from Izzy to Rita, then Warren. "If you're not busy, I'd love to see you there."

"Oh," said Rita, looking from Izzy to Gene, then," Oh." She giggled. "I'm sure we can arrange it—right Warren?" She blinked her long lashes at him, balancing on her toes.

Warren raised an eyebrow as he lit his cigar, his other hand wrapped around Rita's small waist. "I'll be working tomorrow night, but I can arrange a ride for you two ladies if that's what you want."

Rita clapped her hands. "Oh Izzy, this will be incredible! I haven't been there yet either!"

Before Izzy could open her mouth to object, Gene waved to them. "Fantastic! See you tomorrow."

"Come on Izzy," said Rita, grabbing her hand. "Let's go so you can rest—and tell me what that was all about," she added.

The ride home was much less joyous than the one there. By the time they pulled up to the house, she was a nervous wreck of emotions inside, struggling to keep it together.

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