Chapter Sixteen: City of Stars

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It was disturbing how his skin tingled simply from her presence beside him. They'd left the little restaurant and walked down the abandoned sidewalk to his car, parked a few blocks away. Next to her, his entire body felt charged, like an electric current running through his skin.

He tried not to focus on what would come, should a photograph of he and Izzy strolling the sidewalk surface the following morning. There would be no explaining it to Patsy. She'd been furious enough about the Confidential earlier that morning.

He didn't blame her. First the pool, then Ciros. Once the paparazzi sunk their teeth into a celebrity, they tended to come up with more and more dirt. They'd practically ruined Judy Garland that way—although quite a few of her stories were true.

Lucky for him, Gene had picked a restaurant in a secluded location. As long as they made it to his car without someone recognizing him, he could call it safe.

When he'd walked through the curtains to see Izzy sitting at the table, his first instinct had been to turn around and leave. But, seeing the hurt spread over her face, there was no way he could bring himself to simply walk away. Especially not when she'd come alone.

He had a few choice words for Gene when he saw him again. It was a dirty move to use Izzy, who seemed quite naive, as a pawn against he and Patsy.

His thoughts darkening, he wondered if she'd been waiting anxiously in that little room to meet Gene before he walked in instead. She seemed so horrified to see him. Did she have feelings for Gene? With a bit of satisfaction, he figured if she had, she didn't anymore.

Once again, he caught himself. He was engaged to be married in just a few short months—what did he care if she had feelings for Gene?

Feeling her stare, he shot Izzy a sideways glance. She quickly looked away, her cheeks flushing. The electric pulse ran through his stomach to his chest, making him uneasy.

Studying her, he wondered what her ex boyfriend had done to cause her so much pain. He guessed he'd probably two timed her, but he sensed it was deeper than that. She was drenched in mystery—and that, he told himself, was why he was drawn to her. Ever since the island he'd wanted to figure her out.

"There was another girl at Ciros," he said. "The cigarette girl. You knew her too?"

"Oh, you mean Gloria? Rita and I met Gloria on the island." Her eyebrows lowered a bit at his puzzled expression. "I know, it's quite crazy how we all met there—and then here."

"It's one huge coincidence," he said. He gathered from her expression that more questions on the subject wouldn't be welcomed, but he couldn't help himself. "It was the three of you who were swimming that day I saved you, wasn't it?"

She paused mid stride, glancing at him. "Yes." His eyes were drawn directly to her soft lips and he was overcome with a sudden overwhelming urge to pull her close to him. Fighting it, he stepped around her and opened the passenger door of his Cadillac.

When she was in and settled, he closed the door and took his time walking around to the driver's side. Before he reached for the handle, he took a deep breath, willing himself to stop his racing heart. He hadn't realized what a dangerous position he'd put himself in, offering to take her home.

It was insane how his body was betraying him. It was going to take all of his will power to survive the drive without doing something stupid that he'd immediately regret. It didn't make any sense. Patsy was everything he wanted in a woman. He was happy and committed to her. He had dreams and plans. None of them included Izzy.

He started the car, tantalizingly aware of her eyes on him.

"Why did you decide to leave Judd?" she asked. "You seemed so happy that day I was there."

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