Chapter 25:- Overconfident in a Tuxedo

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Alright as I have said in the past, WEDDINGS SUCK!

Except this one time where my Aunt Erica and Uncle Allen got married, where the two were just having a cute competition of who will last longer during the photo shoot with the guests before they need a water break!

Subconscious Mind:-"Lasts longer! Hah, I see the pun in there you Fackin Wakkadoodle boy."

Honestly speaking the stereotypical answer of the girl "lasting longer" worked here too, even though it was a completely different scenario!

Subconscious Mind:-"Hah! Sex jokes! The groom came first....Alright I should stop.."


So as Mom had mentioned the previous day, I had a wedding to attend today and the mind boggling news was today was a sUnDaY! Ugh...sloppy mornings to visit the church and see annoying ladies who always have some gossip to talk about. I envy them at times on how jobless they are to have thought of soooo many random stuff and people to bitch about!

Subconscious Mind:-"It's like assigning Board of Directors for profit making decisions while working for an're simply not getting anywhere!"

This was all going through my mind when suddenly my neck snapped and I felt like I was falling and the world around me was shattering into pieces and all I saw was black...right before I jolted back up!

*deep breaths*

*background noise*

"PrAisE the LORD!"

"What the...", I whispered.

I get punched on my left arm,"Stop being so disrespectful and join your hands John!", it was Mom.

I looked around me, it was the church...I was day dreaming again! 

"PrAisE the LORD!", the pastor says on the mic.

I looked at my watch and saw that it's 11:30 am and I am dressed in a Tuxedo. Oh boy it was wedding mass! I was sleeping during the mass! Crap!

The pastor then took a step down from the altar and walked down towards the couple with his microphone and asked,"Do you Diana Foster accept Alston Benjamin as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"Yes I Do.", she said without hesitating and then a smile came on her face.

The pastor looks towards the groom,"Do you Alston Benjamin accept Diana Foster as your lawfully wedded wife?"

The was a pause.

Subconscious Mind:-"Well this is awkward."

"I Do."

*claps begin*

"Or do I?", Alston says on the microphone.

The crowd looses their shit and all of them chant the same thing,"Oooooooooooo!"

The pastor too thought it was a joke and then tried to make a serious face and asked again,"Do you accept her, Alston?"

Oh you should have seen Diana's face, she was red as a tomato and not out of happiness rather out of anger! Like this guy isn't getting laid anytime soon..

Alston's face dropped, it looked like he shat himself when he noticed Diana's face turning red.

"I do, I do, Forever! Why would I say no to my beautiful Diana?!", Alston hesitated.

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