Chapter 10:- It's My Birthday!

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"I'm home mum!", i announced while walking into the house and immediately removing my sweater and shoes.

If you remember what happened in the previous chapter, then you would understand why i desperately wanted to remove my sweater.

Subconscious Mind:- " Pssst...It smells like cheap booze from your friends."

"Uh! Uh! Honey, didn't you wear socks with those shoes?", mum politely asks me whilst holding a steel strainer on her left hand.

You see my mom is really OCD [Obsessive-compulsive disorder] about hygiene and the cleanliness of the house, specifically the house because she gave up on being concerned about me long time ago!

Honestly it's not a disorder, it's just that she thinks too much when something wrong happens with us, or someone messes with her stuff. Indian parents are identical in these things.

"Mum these are sneakers! It's cool not to wear socks...", trying to defend myself.

Subconscious Mind:- " You know it's cool to not wear socks IF you have good legs, and by GOOD I mean hairless legs! Look at yours! It's like a Savanna of hair!"

"Whatever your definition of cool maybe, i don't want you to enter my house with those dirty feet, or else try and sneak across the hall and don't touch the walls!", with that being said, she just left! She just gave me a whole new challenge to complete, in which i can't even cheat!

Why? You may ask. Well my pretty sister was looking down on me from upstairs with a crooked smile as if mum made her responsible for my actions!

"Go on then!", She teased me with a smile.

"I'll do it myself, you don't need to keep an eye on me.."

"Alright kiddo!"




Subconscious Mind:- " Wait why did the alarm stop? Did he fidget with it's duration?"

Then the song " Twinkle Twinkle little stars.....", began to play.

Subconscious Mind:- "Ahh! Now that's refreshing! Reminds me of my childhood!"

*sudden interruption*

"Hey John! I hope your awake while this alarm goes off! We all love you ! Happy birthday! Treat de bhikari! And this is a special moment...embrace it !"

"Wtf? What's happening?", I picked up my phone. That's when the beat changes, some beat starts to play, i couldn't stop it, then this is all i heard...

" Neem ka pathaa kadva hai....Kapil Sharma bhadva hai ! Ehehehe! Abey fucker get up already!",

It was Akaash! He messed with the alarm on my phone! That bitch!

"John! GET UP ALREADY! It's 8am! We will be late for church!", Mum screamed from below. "I'll be there in a minute!", i replied.

I tried to swipe up, swipe left, swipe down, nothing happened! This asshole figured out how to freeze my phone with his voice, on a Sunday Morning when i had to go to church!

"Uhh!", i groaned in despair, and ultimately i switched off my phone!

That's when i heard the last line from the recording..."Happy Birthday.."

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