Chapter 23:- The Betrayal

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*Aakash's POV*

"All you have is 3 tries boy, give it a shot or else you're going down with this house!", a voice comes from a man in the helicopter.

This isn't the situation that I wanted to end up in, I had to find a way out! So I walked slowly across the hallway filled with blood and was trying to figure out in which room would father be in!

The sploshing of blood on my feet as I paced towards the first door was enough to make me want to throw up, and don't even talk about the smell! Yuck, the smell of dead meat and all I could see was red!

I opened the door and peeped inside. There was nothing there, it was clean. It took me some time to process this information that the room was crystal clear, then I heard a bark. I ran into the room and checked every nook and corner, but couldn't figure out where the sound came from. Then I saw it, a white poodle just standing at the doorstep staring at me and trying to look cute. For a second I forgot everything and started to walk towards the cute lil snowball, but then I heard something, "Aakash do not fall for this! They're playing with your mind! Move away!"

In an instant I jumped away from the doorstep and fell down close to the sofa, then only thing I heard was two gunshots and low growl. The white poodle was covered in it's on blood! DEAD.

I got up and ran towards the poor thing that was dying and looked up towards the window and I saw it, a figure in all black just vanished from the window. I was covered in blood, but I had to find father! So I left the room, even though the thought of seeing a puppy get murdered in front of my eyes couldn't get out of my head! I mean how cruel could you be?!

Then I hear this,"Aww, look at you all covered in blood already, what happened to your pretty suit? Did it get covered in a poodle's blood? What about your father, you've got only 2 tries boy and then this house goes down!"

I hurriedly ran towards room 8 and kicked the door open, there I saw something different, there wasn't anything in the room, nevertheless it was covered in blood this time. It had one thing that was distinct, the mirror! I walked towards the mirror and stood there trying to figure out why is it showing up in front of me all the time?!

That's when my phone rang and I bend my neck to look at my left pocket to pick up the phone; that's when I heard a loud gunshot.


The top right corner of the mirror cracked. A bullet just missed my head! 

I jumped across the room and towards the nearby wall.  I couldn't believe how lucky I was to have escaped that! I peeped a bit to look at the doorstep and again I saw the same figure in all black just staring at me and then vanishing.

I crawled forward slowly to see who called me, it was John.

"Hello? Hello?! Aakash where are you?! What was that sound? Are you alright?!", his voice from the phone.

I tried to speak, but the suddenness of these events made me numb.

"Let's leave John! He's probably dead! We need to leave, how are we supposed to be together if you die here?!", a girl's voice from the phone.

"Noo! I do not want to leave my best friend, Go away Natalie! You don't know how much his life means to me!", John screaming on the phone.

I got up and walked towards the hallway again leaving my phone in the room, but this time I walked as close to the helicopter as I could and then stared at it.

"Alright boy seems like you're pretty bad at choosing the right door, this is your last chance go ahead fail again.", a voice from the helicopter.

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