Chapter 35~ It was never meant to be

Start from the beginning

He looked down on the skeleton brothers, using his hand to turn Papyruses head to the side and click his tongue.

"You're calling this thing your child? This is nothing but a bunch of bones that think it's alive." Papyrus began crying, trying to curl up and hide, which the angel holding him successfully stopped.

"TOUCH HIM AGAIN AND I'LL BREAK YOUR FINGERS!" You yelled out, fury blazing through you. Kicking back, you managed to throw one of the angels holding you off balance.

You brought your arm back, hitting them right in the face with your elbow and then turning around and punching the other one right in the face.

God just watched boredly, letting you get free and grab a branch as a weapon. He clicked his tongue again, using one of his six hands to massage his forehead, as if he was a tired dad watching his child have a tantrum.

You were quickly surrounded and outnumbered by probably like ten angels, all of them holding different weapons and pointing them at you.

"Are you finally done? Now stop struggling and come back before I get mad." He ridiculed you in a disappointed tone, stretching out one of his hands for you to take.

"Never" You growled back, gripping the branch like it's a sword and pointing it towards him.

You heard a familiar voice yell out your name and turned your head to see Gaster rushing over, summoning blasters mid run.

You didn't get a chance to warn him, as God snapped his fingers and the blasters disappeared like they were never there. In a blink of an eye your lover had been restrained, two angels holding back his arms while one put an axe to his throat.

Seeing that you were distracted, the angels surrounding you took their chance and quickly disarmed you, getting a hold of you again, this time making sure you couldn't move at all.

Boredly as if it was all a play, God made his way over to Gaster, ignoring your now desperate pleas to leave your family alone.

"So. You're the thing that got her to want to stay here?" He hummed, forcefully grabbing Gaster's chin and making the scientist look up at him. "Tell me, what does she see in you?"

Gaster spat right in his face.

Growling, God wiped the spit off his face and turned back to you, making you curl up in the hold of your captors, your confidence gone.

Making a motion with his hand, one of the angels brought to him the same scepter he once used to banish you.

"I did not want to do this, but since your punishment failed, I have to resort to drastic measures."

He walked over to your covering form, pointing the weapon at your forehead.

You managed to cast one last glance towards your lover with tearful eyes before the tip touched your head and everything went white.

3rd POV.

Blinding light surrounded the woman, her (e/c) eyes rolling to the back of her skull.

Black feathers came flying from different directions, circling around her like a tornado of black. The moment they touched the light, they would re-attach themselves back to the wings as if they never fell out.

Before long, the wings were full again and the light disappeared, leaving her standing now upright, almost like a robot.

The wings once black were now white and gold again, shining with their status and power.

But the thing that caught Gaster's attention were the eyes of his lover. They were white and glowing, devoid of any emotion. They almost felt soulless.

A small heart appeared in front of her, pulsing brightly with (s/t/c) and (2/s/t/c). White chains surrounded the soul in their hold.

It soon disappeared, but what it meant was clear for Gaster.

God smiled, though it wasn't a warm smile. It was cruel and dark. He motioned for Elin to give back the sword.

Grumbling under his breath he did so, letting Golden Wing take the blade from his hands and mindlessly turn back to her holder, awaiting new instructions.

"Welcome back Golden Wing. I'll mercifully forgive you for your insubordinance if you prove yourself to be loyal again." chuckling darkly, he scanned the crowd, his eyes landing on the scared children.

"To prove your loyalty, I want you to cut your connection with this place. Kill the younglings and you shall be fully forgiven."

Turning around, the once fallen angel took a few quick strides towards the crying siblings, eyes hard and set on the goal.

"Mum?" Papyrus shakily called out, looking up at his mother, tears straining his cheeks.

The woman said nothing at all, only raising her sword above her head, the now white flames looking dull, yet still hot and harmful.

"(Y/n) don't! Snap out of it!" Gaster's cries went unheard by her.

And gazing into the crying eyes of her children.

She slashed her sword down.

"Never thought you'd fall so far-"

Do you hate me now? <3

Fallen Angel (Gaster x reader) OLDWhere stories live. Discover now