Chapter 12~ Tea with royality P.2

Start from the beginning

"-aster! Gaster! Hello! Underground to Gaster do you hear me?!" I didn't even realized I spaced out, being brought back by Toriel snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"Uh what...? Oh! Oh yes! I'm sorry I spaced out." Everyone chuckled and we heard a ding coming from the other room.

"Oh the pie is ready!" Toriel ran out of this room and to the kitchen.

While waiting for her to come back we all sat down, Asgore having a small talk with (Y/n) about how the surface had changed since we've been stuck in here.

Toriel soon came back and we could finally start the tea.

Back to 2nd P.O.V

The four of you talked about everything you could think of, from types of candy, through the queen and king's duty, to recipes with snales in them.

You really enjoyed that, feeling really happy and comfortable around the old couple. You really thought that they would be judging you because of you being a 'human', but they talked and laughed with you as if you were a part of their family. You really appreciated that.

You didn't even notice how late it was. The pie was already gone, the tea finished and the water for it being cold. Gaster was the one to notice the time.

"I'm sorry, but I think that (Y/n) and I should be going now. I already overstayed and even Indarra has his limits on keeping Papyrus and Sans busy." He explained.

Asgore nodded, understanding why you needed to go. You turned to Toriel, feeling kinda sad that you will have to give back the dress, it was so comfortable and nice!

"Toriel would you mind helping me find the wardrobe? I need to change." You asked, playing with the (f/c) fabric of the dress.

Toriel chuckled. "You can take it. You look stunning in it and besides, it's too small for me to wear anyways." You smiled at her, giving the goat a quick hug and saying thank you.

You then said a quick goodbye to both of the royals and ran after Gaster, who was already going to the door.

You caught up to him and both of you walked out of the castle.

"Are you going to teleport us or are we going for a walk?" You asked, tilling your head to the side.

"A walk." Gaster answered, looking up at the ceiling with a quiet sight.

You nodded, giving him a smile which he-to your surprise- retured. It was a small one, almost non visible, but it was there, making you feel strangely accomplished.

Both of you started to walk and you kinda spaces out for the most of the walk, until Gaster started to talk when you were nearing Snowdin, being in the snowy forest instead.

"You know, you aren't as bad as I thought you'd be. When I first saw you, a human in the underground I reacted out of fear and anger and even after Papyrus told me what happened, it was still hard for me to warm up to you, but I did. Even though I hated your kind, you made me realize that not all humans are evil, so thank you (Y/n)." He smiled at you, the smile being warm, his eyes looking into yours.

You were shocked, not expecting him to say something like that. You felt like today finally helped him break the barrier he made around himself.

Even though you felt happy, a one word was echoing in your head.


He called me a human...

You felt bad for the fact that you were lying to him about it.

"Gaster I-"

You wanted to tell him, but looking at his warm expression, at the smile that played on his lips, you just couldn't destroy it with that.

"...Thank you. For giving me a chance."

Gaster nodded. "You're welcome. I'm glad I did."

And with that you two walked into the house.

You didn't even realize that you were in front of it, until Gaster opened the door.

You were greeted by a mess. Food splattered everywhere, being on the floor, walls, furniture, even on the ceiling. Indarra was in the middle of it, holding a glowing spear with tomatoes on it, about to throw it. He looked at you and smiled nervously.

"Welcome back?"

Gaster did not look happy, at all.


"I won't let you fall tonight-"


And another chapter finished! Hope you guys liked it! I will probably update soon because I got a sudden urge to write the chapters, or maybe it's just the excitement for a certain one. Not gona spoil anything, but just so you know, I'm not responsible for any mental breakdowns. You're reading this book on your own risk. You have been warned.

Bye! ^^

Fallen Angel (Gaster x reader) OLDWhere stories live. Discover now