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My eyes widen as I see my dads car pull up at my driveway.
"M-my dads home" I say, starting to panic.
"Come on!" Jack says, as him and Levi run to the door.
"I-I can't" I say.
my dad always takes his anger out on me, I don't want to get hit again.

"You have too. if you go now, he might not know" Marcus says, placing his hand on mine.
I nod, standing up from my seat.
I walk over to where Levi and jack are standing, opening the door.
"Remember all of you are welcome back, if anything happens" Marcus says, looking at me.
We nod.
We walk out the door, shutting it behind us.
"Y/n, Levi, jack! Where do you think you've been?!" I hear my dad yell.
"Get inside now!" He adds on.
We all rush over to our house, scrambling inside before he gets even more mad.
We sit on the sofa, knowing we're gonna be in trouble.
My dad stands in front of me, looking down on me with the maddest expression.
"I-I'm sorry, dad" I say, looking down.
"Look at me" he says sternly.
I look up at him.
"Stop being a bad influence. It's always your fault, isn't it?" He says, pulling me up.

He was about to hit me, so I closed my eyes, waiting for the impact. But it doesn't come.
I look and see Levi had grabbed his arm.
"No! Dad stop. She's your daughter! And our sister, I won't let you hit her" Levi says, pulling my dads arm down.
"That's not up to you! She needs to learn that her actions have consequences!" My dad says, pushing Levi to the floor.
I go to walk over to him, but my dad grabs my arm.
"Don't." He warns me.
"It's not their fault, I swear, it was all me" I say, trying to defend my brothers.
My dad nods.
"I know. Don't do it again, or I'll give you something more than a hand to the face" my dad says, gripping tighter and tighter on my arm.
"Y-you're hurting me-" I start but he cuts me off by pushing me to the floor.
"Shut up! Stop being such a brat. All you ever do is complain, sometimes I wish we never had you!" He yells at me.
Tears start falling down my cheeks, I knew he didn't love me. But it hurt a lot to hear it out loud.

"You know what dad?" Levi says, pushing my dad away from me.
"Why don't you stop being such an asshole!" Levi yells.
None of us would ever dare yelling at our dad.
Let alone call him an asshole.

My dad takes a sharp breath in, before swinging his fist at Levi's face, hitting in the cheek.
Levi falls to the floor, holding his cheek.
"Don't speak to me like that." He says.

I look over to jack and tilt my head towards the abbott family's house, indicating that he goes to get help.
He nods, standing up and running out of the house.
My dad didn't see because he was too busy yelling at Levi, but Levi saw.
"Dad!" I yell, making him spin around.
"Leave him alone! I told you it was me" I say, making him walk over to me.
"He called me an asshole, y/n. That's unacceptable behaviour" he says.
"Well maybe if you'd stop being one-" I say, but he pushes me back before I could finish,
Making me land on the floor.
He leans over me.
"I warned you" he says.
He lifts his fist, his eyes filled with flames and anger.
I close my eyes, once again waiting for the hit.
Just as my dad throws the punch, someone pushes him to the side, making him fall.
It's a good job, as he was inches away from punching me.

I look up and see Lee Abbott, Marcus's dad.
He walks over to my dad, pulling him up from the floor.
My dad looks terrified.
"Didn't anyone ever tell you not to hit girls?" Lee asks, slamming my dad against the wall.
I start crying and shaking, I don't want them to fight, because I don't want lee to get hurt.
I don't care if my dad gets hurt.
I feel someone pull me into a hug, caressing the back of my head.
I tuck my head into their chest, instantly knowing it's Marcus.
I know it's weird but he smells like vanilla, so I know it's him anywhere.
I only cry harder, hearing my dad and lee fighting.
Marcus stands up, picking me up and carrying me.
Evelyn helps Levi up, and takes him and jack out of the house.
Marcus carries me into his house, taking me up to his room.
He places me on his bed, sitting next to me as I hug into his side, balling my eyes out.
"Shh" he tries to calm me,
Stroking my hair.
After a few seconds I stop crying, making Marcus look down at me.
"Did he hurt you?" He asks, I shake my head.
"I-" I start but stop when I hear the loudest most terrifying scream.
That scream being followed by many others.
I run over to the window and see Lee in my bedroom.
He climbs out the window and into the tree, he then jumps into Marcus's room.
"Don't make a sound" he signs, he quietly walks out of Marcus's room, walking down the stairs.
Me and Marcus just stand there, not knowing what to do.

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