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Before you read this I would like to warn you that I wrote this when I was 13 and it's actually terrible so I apologise in advance😭
I might rewrite it? Idk let me know <3



-as yourself
-age 15

Noah jupe
-As Marcus Abbott
-age 15

John Krasinski
-as Lee abbott
Emily blunt
-as Evelyn Abbott

Levi miller
-as Levi y/ln (Your last name)
-age 16

Young Jack grazer
-as jack y/ln
-age 12

(I'm so sorry but that's the funniest thing I've ever seen)

Millie simmonds
-as Regan Abbott
-age 16

Cade Woodward
-as beau Abbott
-age 6

Y/n-your name.
Y/ln- your last name.
Y/hc- your hair colour.
Y/ec- your eye colour.
POV- (character) point of view.
If Any others are added later on in the book, they will be labelled.

(Warnings: mentions of sexual harassment, anorexia, abuse, death)

Marcus and you will be 15
(I know he's not in the movie but pretend)

This won't be exactly the same as the movie, I will change parts.

(Also this book definitely has swearing in it)
Storyline/ character background.
(Y/n's POV)

Hey, my names y/n.
I have 2 brothers, one named Jack and the other Levi.
Levi is the eldest, and Jack is the youngest.
Levi is 16, I'm 15 and Jack is 12.
I love my brothers with all my heart.
They're the only thing I have.

Our parents aren't the best.
We barely see them, and when we do they're in their room doing work from home.
So me and my brothers have to look out for each other.

I don't have a very good school life. I mean, who does?
I have one friend, Marcus.
Of course my parents immediately banned him from the house, they don't allow boys in my room.
So since my parents don't get home till about 11pm every night, I go to see Marcus every day after school.
He's my only friend and probably will always be my only friend.
But I'm okay with that.
I mean, I have I've known him since 4th grade.

The Abbott family (Marcus's family) always welcome me into their house, they know my home situation.
I've even learned sign language as Marcus's older sister is deaf.
Me and Marcus talk using sign language during class so no one knows what we're saying.

But anyway, this is a story about how much more serious stuff happened.
And this "stuff" almost ended everything I knew.
And I'm about to tell you that story.

«Insane» Noah jupe/Marcus Abbott x reader)Where stories live. Discover now