Episode 8

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Crowley: Lucifer's not content with slutting it from one random vessel to the next. He's moving on to blue chips, celebrities, captains of industry. He just got a lot more dangerous.

Lucifer: Yes. Words. Nothing we ever say feels like enough. Babies... That's what we are. Innocents. All of us struggling to... walk upright with purpose and- and pride. And yet, we need "our Father"... to... be there when we fall. Today, we lost a brother. Tomorrow, we will continue our work for the country. Amen.

Castiel: Ugh. These pictures... The level of violence, it's completely unnecessary.

Sam: Lucifer doesn't like being messed with. I guess when the archbishop's priests figured out he was possessed, they tried to keep it quiet, do an an exorcism. I mean, not that it would've worked. Lucifer blew town, but not before he slaughtered the entire staff. So we were on the right trail. Where's it go now?

Dean: I don't know. Who won the Nobel Peace Prize? Why don't we start there?

Sam: Crowley, can we just get the damn news without the drama?

Crowley: Can I get you without the flannel? No. Still, I endure.

Castiel: Something's happened. Something... Angel radio... There are so many voices.

Dean: What are they saying?

Castiel: There's been a massive surge in celestial energy. A Nephilim is come into being. It's the offspring of an angel and a human.

Dean: And that's big news?

Castiel: Yes, but the power to produce this is immense. It's much, much greater than a typical angel.

Sam: Lucifer.

Dean: W- Lucifer? I didn't know he was dating.

Mr. Ketch: You. Angel. Wipe their memories. U.S. government plates. Elite dogcatcher level. Someone special wants you. Whose hydrant have you lads been tinkling on?

Dean: I'm sorry. Who the hell are you?

Mr. Ketch: Oh. Where are my manners? Arthur Ketch. British Men of Letters.

Mr. Ketch: You. Halo. Do you sense I'm lying?

Castiel: My name is Castiel. And... no. But the truth can be situational.

Mr. Ketch: Oh. Oh, I do enjoy an angel. But I understand your hesitation. You haven't exactly seen us at our best. Lady Bevell is a bit... excitable.

Kelly: Who are you people?

Rowena: Well, dear, I'm a witch. He's an angel.

Crowley: And I'm the King of Hell.

Kelly: Oh, God.

Castiel: No, actually, He left.

Lucifer: This isn't over, Sam!

Sam: Go to Hell!

Dean: We got him. We got Lucifer.

Castiel and Crowley: Agents.

Dean: Okay, this has gotta stop. All right, give me that.

Crowley: Armani!

Rowena: And what does your heart know about me?

Sugar Daddy: It knows that it's fond of you. But your credentials were unverifiable. Financial holdings, Royal Ballet, none of it!

Sam: Do we have a plan?

Dean: Impeach LOTUS and find Rosemary's baby.

Sam: I-I didn't, uh... I hung up.

Mr. Ketch: Yes, you did. Which made Mr. Davies think that you were in trouble. Which you were. So he rings me. Bing, bang, boom, meet Bob, he's your uncle. Oh, and um, you're welcome. Hmm?

Kelly: Jeff's been under a lot of stress. He...

Crowley: Wrong. He's the Devil. Horns, pitchfork, the whole nine.

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