My hair was curled almost to perfection, with soft, corkscrew curls hangiong delicately around my face, and my bangs swooshed (A.n. Hehe swooshed.) to the side. My make-up was a smokey eye look with mascara and a teeny bit of blush, finished off with thick red lipstick.

I actually, maybe, kind of looked cute today.


I smiled gratefully and turned to look at the person in the mirror again. There was no way that was me.

She had already gotten ready, in a cute black and red dress with heels, so we were ready to go.

"Hey, just out of curiosity, is Austin coming to the party tonight?" I narrowed my eyes at her. Lately she had been extra suspicious of me and Austin's relationship. What was her problem? "No." I said slowly. "He told me he had a math test to study for." Alice looked like she was tryinhg not to laugh. "Austin?? Study??!" Then her smile fell. "Wait... Did you say math?"


"Um... Zoe?"

"What is it now?"

"Me and Austin are in math together..."

I raised an eyebrow. "So? Good for you. Shoudln't you be studying then?"

She gulps. "No, because our test was last week. And I remember the teacher saying there were no test re-takes. So he couldn't of had any other material to study."

My eyes widened in horror. "B-But he s-said..."

Alice puts a comforting hand on my shoulder. "He lied to you."

My eyes narrow. "What's your problem?" I finally snap after a long pause. Her eyes widen in shock and she looks taken back. "All of the sudden you're Miss Suspicious and Miss Know-it-all. You don't know if he's lying or not, maybe he had other plans and he didnt wante to make feel bad. So shut it and leave me be. For all I know, you could be trying to move in on him!" I spat and gave her a dirty look.

Her eyes soften with understanding. "Zoe, I would never-" "Leave." I growl.

Hurt and anger fills her eyes. "Okay then, I can see when I'm not wanted. Sorry for trying to protect my best friend. I'll see you at the party."

Before she walks out the door, she adds dramatically, "Oh, and don't say I didn't warn you."

And she slams the door.


Loud music blarred and lights illuminated the streets as I made my way to Nathan's house. He's known for throwing the bigges parties of the year, and this time I would actually be able to go to one. Probably because of Alice, why else would anyone want to have a freak like me hanging around their house?

I sighed and stepped up the large stone steps. The door was wide open, but I catiously walked in like there could be an invisable electric fence covering the doorway.

Once I got inside, I was treated like an outsider. Wow, nice warm welcome. I immediately ran to finde the bathroom, because I have this 'little' thing called social anxiety, which is another reason I don't go to any parties. Besides, yah know, just not getting invited.

When I found the door to the downstairs bathroom, I realized thst there was already someone in there. Oh well, guess I'll have to poke around upstairs! ^-^

I walked up the long staircase and was met by a few different hallways. I decided to go straight and then started checking every door I came too.

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