Chapter 11 *under editing*

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A.n. I am doing my best with updates! This chapter was a bit hard to write... Tell me what you think! Also, I'd like to thank all my followers and loyal readers! Thanks for bearing with me, guys!!!

That creepo on the side or the top is Austin. The pic got removed so I will be putting it up soon. >>>>>


As I ran out the door, I could've sworn I heard laughing.

Coming from my brain.

The voice echoed in my head as I ran towards the door, and shockingly it was enough to cause me to come to a dead stop, and lose my balance in the process.

I slipped and fell, but jumped up before I could go rolling down the stairs. I whipped my head around, desparately searching for the location of the sound.

 Oh God, I'm schizophrenic.

I flung the door open and stormed out. I continued running, with a sense of deja vu. Since this was my second time trying to escape...

I fell to my knees at a clearing in the forest. What was I going to go? I decided to ask this voice for help.

What am I doing here?

Running away from your problems.

I'm scared. I just glowed purple with some sort of electricity, and I have no idea what to do.

What do you want me to do about it?

I don't know! You showed up all mysteriously and all you're gonna do is make smart comments from the back of my mind? 

Well, you didn;t specify what you wanted.

I want help! How do I make sure my new abilities don't go out of control?

Well, Brady was going to help you, but you ran away.

Because I didn't want to hurt him. Plus, my friend is missing and I doubt my kidnapper would love to help me find her.

Maybe you should take a breather and then go back to Brady. Explain that it was wrong for you to ruin off, and you'll stay with him as long as he helps you get the hang of your new powers.

I took a deep breath and leaned against a tree. I thought over what the voice in my head told me, and decided to close my eyes and rest for a few minutes.

After about five minutes, I ran back the way I'd came, listening to the evil voice guiding me, or more like telling me which way NOT to go.

Other left, dummy!

Have you no sense of direction?

I took a deep breath and entered the house, through the back door.


I was still in a state of shock when Zoe stormed out the door. She doesn't know this, but I watched her run through the forest, from my window. I knew she wouldn't go through with it, plus I can read her mind. She wanted to stay so badly.

I watched her until she disappeared out of sight... Then realized she really was gone. No, she couldn't leave me, I needed her!


I didn't NEED Zoe, did I? I mean, I cared about her, and she was certainly pretty but...

I frowned. But we kissed! I can't get it out of my head, the feeling of her soft lips on mine was unforgetable. I knew she was the one, I just didn't know how to tell her.

Human? *RE-WRITING//ON HOLD*Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum