Chapter 4 *edited!*

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A.n. I got another comment! This story is now dedicated to TaylorStylesxoxo because she is the first and ONLY person to comment! Plus, I am pretty sure she is the only one reading this right now... So thanks! Ok, here is chapter 4!


Once I was finished seeing that little vision, I blacked out. That's always fun. Next thing you know I am gonna wake up and find out that they transfered me to Russia because they can observe me better over there.


Omg omg what have I done?! I am currently pacing my room because Zoe hasn't aswered her calls or texts I sent her. I am freaking out!!! I tried calling her house but there was no answer. I saw her window was open in the back of the house and tried calling to her, but there was no answer.

Being the creepy, over-protective best friend I am, I climbed up to her window, which is on the top floor, might I add, by climbing a tree close by and peering through to see if she was there. It was dark in her room, and I figured I'd already invaded her privacy enough, so I gave up.

When I couldn't find her, I called Dylan to let him know what happened. Then I went home and tried to call her a few times, hoping she might answer her cell, but received no response.

What if she ran away?

STOP ALICE! Zoe wouldn't run away, she's smarter than that. Oh, I can only hope.

I decided to try again. If she didn't answer, I would assume she was either sleep or out for a run.

Twenty doorbell rings, thirty missed calls, nine voice mails and seventeen messages later, I give up. Zoe and her aunt aren't there, and her witch mother is probably drunk snoozing on the couch and mentally planning how she's going to beat Zoe when she get's home.

I walk back to my house and call Dylan. He's a sweetheart but can be super annoying. Plus, he has the 'bad boy' look to him. What a girl want in a guy. Well, mostly. If you drop the annoying part.

"Sup babe." Dylan asks. No we are not dating, we're best friends. Dating would be too weird. Even though I've had a major crush on him since third grade... Back to the task at hand.

"Hey hun I was wondering if you wanted to come over. Zoe's in her own little world and is currently giving me the silent treatment, and I have chicken noodle soup and chocolate chip cookies over here. Plus all that left over junk from the last party..."

"Sure!" He says excitedly. Only at the metion of food. The guy can EAT. " Great see you in-" I don't get to finish because the doorbell rings, and I realize he hung up already.

I walk to the door and sure enough Dylan is smirking on the other side. "Miss me?" He strolls in. "Yes because I only just talked to you two seconds ago. You know, people usually say 'bye' before they hang up the phone." I say and he raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah whatever let's just eat already. What movies did you get?" I walk over to the cabinet in the living room.

"Not anything new. We can see if there's anything on Chiller though." I say reply.

(A.n. Chiller is a tv channel for those of you who have never heard of it. Really cool channel! They play scary junk and stuff. Totally my thing!)

"No we are watching the conjuring!" Dylan says. I am about to protest when he winks. "Don't worry babe, I will keep you safe." I blush and grin. Well, if you insist...


After I wake up and find myself on the ice cold floor, Flirty explains to me what happened. Well this is just turning out to be a swell little trip. "Anyway out of here?" I ask. "Nope," Flirty says and smiles...well, flirtatiously. "Why are you smiling doofus, we are being handed our death certificates!!" He merely laughs at me.

I groan. This is hopeless! "Hey what are you guys anyways?" "We are a combination of demons and vampires," he says with a grin. "Oh cool," I say sarcastically and his grin changes into a smirk.

A scientist suddeny walks in and I jump to my feet. "Thank God! Someone else to take my misery out on!" I say excitedly.

She doesn't say a word. Just presses a button and our two cages, and me and box o' hotties merge to form one small cage.

"Now we can see how they react." She says, almost emotionlessly, and leaves the room.

I scream as flirty walks towards me. "Get away creepo!!!" He smirks. "What Miss High and Mighty is scared of me? Come on babe, do I look scary?" "Yes," I answer without hesitation. He laughs and grins, fangs extending. Well this is wonderful! First I am a target for bullies at school, then a bunch of scientists, and now a hungry creature.

Am I lucky or what?

A.n. I know it's short. I'm sorry, I wasn't very happy with any of these chapters, but they are all being edited so I'm sorry if you still don't like them. I hope you all continue to read and don't give up on me!

Thanks for all the continued support, I love you all.

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