Chapter 12

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A.n.  Wattpad has a bug and is only publishing half of what I write, so if this doesn't work I delete this chapter and write it again off my computer (what I am doing now.)  In the meantime....  OVER 600 READS???  LAST TIME I CHECKED IT WAS LIKE 500!!  You guys seriously tock!!  Special thanks to all my new followers and readers!!  And to Mariam_Jamal, this chapter is for you babe!  Seriously, she is amazing!  I don't think there is one chapter she hasn't commented on or liked!  Bravo to you hun!  Enjoy loves...<3

Zoe's P.O.V.

OMG ALICE!!!!!  I TOTALLY FORGOT!!!  I took a deep breath, and with shaking hands picked up my phone.  'Please be a random person who got bored...  Please be a random person who got bored...'  I thought.

I scrolled through my messages as my phone buzzed again.


From: Unknown

"Relax babe.  You know me very well;-)"

I nearly screamed in frustration and terror.  That narrows it down too...  Hmm....  I don't know, about a hundred bijillion people!!  Whle I was busy glarring daggers at my phone, my stalker sent a new text.


From: Uknown

"Close your window, I don't want other people seeing you like this."

My eyes grew to the size of saucers.  'Of course it would be the window, dimwitt!!'

I ran to the window and peered out at the darkening night.  Street lamps were already on, and stars began to appear in the night sky.  My eyes scanned the scene before me as I sighed.  There was no one-  Movement from behind a tree caught my eye.  A person clad all in black, with a black hoodie drapped over their head, turned to look straight at me and winked.  

I gasped and slamed the window shut, glad there was only one open.  Imagine if it had been the large french doors or the huge window my bed was practically pushed up against.  Not particullarily safe.

I closed the blinds, and pulled the long drapes shut.  My heart was racing a mile a minute as I practically dove under the covers.  I started crying silenty to myself.  How could this happen to me?

I don't know if you've noticed, but I am quite insecure about my body.  So having a total stranger seeing me half naked....  Well that is NOT cool, thank you very much.

I hugged my pillow as my precious kitten Bella came meowing over to curl up besides me.  She always knows when I need her the most.  

I swear this cat knows exactly how I feel all the time, and understands everything that goes on, even the dialogue.  She is trained better than a puppy.

I sighed and absentmindedly stroked her soft fur.

Who was the mysterious stranger, and how did the find me?  There are about a zillion people who want to capture me, but I never thought it would come this far.  Never meant to quote a Jonas Brothers' song.

Eventually my cring died down and I ended up cring myself to sleep.

Until I woke up an hour later with the same nightmare.


My screams could probably be heard in China as I shot up from my bed.  My hair was a rat's nest on my head, and my pillows were strewn all over the bed.  My legs were tangled withe the mess of covers and my arms were tired from me flailing them uselessly in the air.

Tear stained cheeks became illuminated by the pale glow of the flashlight as I flicked it on, simply to avoid being alone in the dark once again.

Bella had disappeared again, to wherever she hides whenever I finally fall asleep.  I was feeling the overwhelming, familar feeling of loneliness seep into my bones.

Human? *RE-WRITING//ON HOLD*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin