Breaking And Entering

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"Just what the fuck I need right now" I thought to myself as I turned around to see who was speaking to me.

Some man leered back at me obviously very drunk and invading my personal space. The last thing I needed was to make a scene and draw unwanted attention to myself. Thankfully I was getting ready to go anyways. While Aiden was busy disappointing two women, I assumed that this would be the perfect time to try to get into his home.

"I was just leaving" . I told the drunk leach and begin to pass him by but he grabbed my arm. "Just have one drink with me". He slurred.

My eye's darted to his hand upon my arm and anger roiled through me but I knew that I couldn't  bring attention to myself. Giving him my serpent of a smile, I said. "Follow me then".

I led him toward the back wall where it was dark and not crowded. Once I had him concealed in the shadows, I spun around and slung his back against the wall and pressed my forearm into his neck to hold him in place. "Wow, this is kinky". He laughed not realizing he had gotten himself into a mess.

With the heel of my palm, I rammed into his temple rendering him unconscious. His body crumpled to the floor with a thud. Yes, he would live but definitely wake with a pounding headache. Poor bastard probably won't even recall this. I should've killed the perv but I didn't want to raise alarm by leaving behind his corpse. If anything when he is found they'll just think he fell or passed out in his drunken state.

Stepping over his body, I quickly made my way outside to my soup can of a car and put Aiden's address in my GPS then sped off. His home was a good thirty minute drive from the city so I had plenty of time to devise my next step. I decided to drive by his home first and see if I could get the layout of the land but no such luck. His home was tucked back from the entrance and out of sight.

I drove about a mile away before pulling the car off of the road and parking behind a family of cactus and brush. It was best to conceal it in case his men rode by. Grabbing my bag with the essentials I may need I set off in a jog toward his home. Eventually the lights from his property came into view. Slowing my run, I crept as close as I dared then hunkered down behind a patch of thistle. Retrieving my binoculars from my bag I zoned in on the house and property to scope the situation out. The majority of guard's were stationed along the entrance and front wall. Along the North and South wall were only a few guard's stationed every fifty feet. The back wall had a small cluster of men gathered at a rear entrance and a few more men scattered here or there. I then looked closer to the house. I must admit that it was a gorgeous haciendo that offered an abundance of hiding places. The outside walkways were lit only by sconces on the wall. The candle flames admitted a soft glow and made the place look more inviting than deadly.

Once I had the place memorized I  planned my way in. Removing my small tranquilizer gun, I swung a small pouch of tranquilizers over my chest. Placing my first round into the slide, I made my way to the South wall. Securing my bag over my back, I carefully scaled the wall. Keeping my body low, I only allowed my head to pop over. Quickly I spotted one guard and sailed a tranquilizer into his neck. Jumping, he smacked his neck as if he had been stung and fell over. I used a higher dose than what is recommended to ensure they stayed under for at least two hour's.

Jumping on over the wall, I stood back in the corner until I spied the next closest guard. Within a minute he was asleep on the ground. Taking a huge risk I made a run for the pool house. Amazingly I made it undetected and took a second to catch my breath and scope this new area out. Had I not been on a mission I would have appreciated the lovely scenery of the stone pool complete with a small waterfall. Aiden had taste I must admit. Finally, I spied a entry door to the house placed behind a beautiful tropical bush. Rushing over, I used my scrambler to disable the alarm system and slid inside. Luck was on my side as I discovered the house to be mostly empty which made it easier for me to find his office on the second floor.

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