Chapter 27: More Sex

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"Bye, guys!" I called from my front door to Beth and Sam. Since Beth had driven us to the mall she also dropped me home and waited until the front door was open to leave. Everyone was so much more protective of me since I got pregnant. "Alex, baby, are you home?" I called to the seemingly empty house. I knew that my mom wouldn't be home because she'd gone out with some friends from work (I think Ms. Sutton was one of them) and it was only seven so I wasn't expecting her to be home any time soon.

A loud crashing sound followed by Alex's exclamation of 'fuck' was enough to prove my suspicions that she may have been upstairs and given the sounds that she just caused I knew that she was startled by my calling and dropped something. Or she did something along the line of dropping something.

"I'm in your room sweetie but don't come up yet, I have a surprise for you!" She called back as loudly as she could. Her sound was muffled, indicating that the bedroom door was shut, and I couldn't help but allow my mind to wonder what on earth she was doing. The girl was so unpredictable at times that it was simply impossible to know what was going through her mind. I wouldn't even have been surprised if she was painting rainbows on my bedroom wall for fun to try and really get my mom on side with the whole gay thing.

I knew that my mom was trying and she meant well but sometimes she tried a little too hard and made it kind of obvious that she still wasn't really fond of the concept of me dating a girl, despite the fact that she had been given more than half a year to get used to it.

"Okay, baby, you can come up now!" Alex's voice sounded clearer this time and when I peered up the stairs I noticed her standing at the top with a face-eating grin that she was trying to fight. Her long dark brown hair was dancing freely on her bare shoulders and her eyes lit up every time I took a step closer to her. I was walking slowly because I was feeling kind of sceptical about what I might find in my bedroom when I finally reached it.

It was then that I noticed how incredibly sexy she looked in just a black spaghetti strap tank top and black skinny jeans. It was probably the most feminine outfit that she owned, bar her school uniform.

"You look beautiful," She whispered to me when I reached the top of the stairs. It was ironic that she'd commented on how I looked whilst I was taking in her own beauty. "You look so much happier in your new clothes and that makes me so happy, baby." She continued, taking my hands softly in her own and pressing a gentle kiss to each knuckle, prolonging the discovery of whatever surprise she had prepared in my room.

"I love you." I replied back just as quietly. I felt like speaking any louder may ruin the moment that we were having.

"I love you more," She was so quick to add in another comment that I didn't get to disagree with her statement and argue that I loved her more than she could possibly fathom. "Close your eyes, sweetie." She closed her sentence by gently brushing her fingertips down on my eyelids, guiding them closed. I smiled as I got a strong whiff of her Adidas cologne.

When we first met she didn't wear men's colognes around me because she didn't want me to think she was weird but during one of our make-out sessions in her room before our first date I ended up lying on a bottle and finding it. She was embarrassed to admit that it was her but eventually she did and I couldn't help but love the scent on her. She wore it so well and every time I got a slight whiff of it I grinned like an idiot.

Alex guided me softly and slowly along the hallway of the upstairs of my house before stopping outside my bedroom and pushing the door open, the door indicating that she had done so by creaking loudly. I knew I should probably be kind of nervous about what she'd done but I couldn't help but trust her.

As soon as the door was open I was hit harshly by the scent of vanilla and roses with a slight hint of burning and I knew instantly that there were candles lit. One because of the smell I recognised as that of my scented candles and two because of the very dim flickering light that I could make out from behind my closed lids. "Can I open my eyes yet?" I asked excitedly, desperate to see what she'd done.

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