Chapter 8: Dinner

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The following morning I sent a text to Alex who of course replied straight away, not caring about the lesson she was supposed to be in. After the usual conversation of asking how each other was and what we were doing, I got to the important part.

M: I told my mom last night. (10:34)

A: Wow, how did she take it? (10:35)

M: She's fine but she wants you to come over for dinner tonight to meet you, what do you think? (10:37)

A: We have work babe? (10:37)

M: I can just about walk with a limp, I couldn't come in anyway. If you can't make it then we can reschedule. (10:38)

A: I'll speak to my dad and I'll be there. (10:39)

I grinned at her determination to do what made me happy. We continued to text throughout the duration of that day like we normally would until her eighth period class when she would always stop texting to concentrate because it was her favorite lesson. We arranged for me to pick her up after school and then take her back to hers so she could change and get ready for dinner. My mom said she was going to be home for four o'clock and she'd make sure dinner was done for five.

As three o'clock rolled around I was parked in my car outside the gates to Alex's school. I heard the bell erupt throughout the school and soon after pupils flooded out of the gates, all dressed in the same uniform I was so accustomed to seeing Alex in.

It didn't take long before she climbed into the car and quickly pecked my lips. "Hey beautiful." She greeted me the same way she always did. I blushed and placed my thumb on her chin, pulling her in for another kiss. "I can't believe what those bitches did to your face. If I see them again I will carry out my promise." She informed me seriously, reminding me of when she threatened to bury them if they touched me again. "I don't make threats, I make promises and I keep them. Just wait until... ugh, I can't believe what they did to you! Who the fuck do they think they are? I swear to God I will fuck them up ten times worse than they did to you." She ranted angrily as I drove us down the road toward her apartment.

"No, you won't." I told her firmly, cutting her rant short. "It's done now, they've lost their places at one of the best schools in New York so they've been punished enough, just drop it now because I don't want this to happen again."

"You know, if anyone else were telling me what to do I'd tell them where to stick their orders, but okay." She agreed reluctantly. "I'm so nervous for tonight!" She exclaimed after a little while of comfortable silence. I chuckled and shook my head at her.

"Don't think about it, my mom knows what you did to Ashley and she, like, loves you already." I reassured her to calm her nerves. Her eyes widened at what I just said and I shook my head. "Don't worry, she's not judging you for it, she likes you before meeting you because you make me happy and I'm sure she'll adore you just as much as I do."

We soon arrived at Alex's apartment and made our usual Tuesday and Thursday route to her room to make out for half an hour before work, except this time Alex had gotten us out of work so we weren't limited to half an hour, we had at least an hour for some 'lovin' time,' as Alex had been referring to it recently.

An hour and twenty minutes later we were lying on Alex's bed; my dress was discarded on the floor somewhere alongside Alex's school uniform. We were making out hungrily in our underwear but we weren't making any attempts to go any further than that. This time I really liked the person I was in a relationship with, Alex wasn't just some guy making sex a chore, she was a girl that I really wanted and wanted to wait for because everything's better if you wait for it.

I opened my eyes slightly as I flipped us over so I was on top and spotted the wall clock which read twenty-five to five. Dinner was going to be ready at five which gave us around ten minutes to get changed and leave.

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