Chapter 23: Hospital Beds

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"Mitchie!" I heard Alex call as I ran my fastest down the still slightly crowded corridor. I didn't bother to turn around; I didn't want to hear what she had to say. I just snapped. "Mitchie!" She yelled again, sounding extremely confused, like she really didn't know what she'd done. "Mitch, wait!" Once again she tried and this time I turned around, allowing her to see my most likely red eyes that were filled with tears.

I felt people watching us, I knew that there were people around but I just didn't care.

After she'd said what she did to Ms. Sutton about what he had done to our lives, about how he'd ruined them by bringing a baby into it and making me how I was, I just didn't want to listen to any shitty excuses from her.

"No! Alex, I heard what you just said? We're a fucking burden? Well, you know what? Fuck you; I don't need you through this shit if that's how you're going to react to it." I hissed at her, uncaring to the whispers that I could hear about us throughout the almost silent corridor. People were staring and watching as we fought and I just couldn't give less of a shit that they were. "Why didn't you just fucking tell me that that was how you felt? Why didn't you say from the beginning that you don't really want to be a part of it?" I quizzed her angrily, an eyebrow raised and my arms folded across my chest.

I was making a special effort not to mention exactly what we were fighting about so people in school wouldn't realise. They could assume what they wanted; I just didn't want them to actually know.

"What the flying fuck, Mitch? I never said that-" She began to attempt to explain, grabbing my wrist when she finally caught up to me and lowering her tone considerably when I was in actual earshot. As soon as her hand caught my bare wrist I growled and forcefully tore it away before taking off again and beginning to run the length of the corridor.

Then it all happened at once and I was lying flat on the floor with a blinding pain in my stomach. I heard a piercing scream from Alex and a few laughs from other students which caused me to look back and realise that I'd tripped over a bump in the flooring.

I let out a strangled cry as the pain in my stomach reached sudden new levels and I instantly feared for my baby's life. I couldn't have just hurt her, I couldn't have!

"Mitchie!" Alex yelled at me, worry and concern evident in her tone of voice. If I wasn't in so much pain, I would have still been pissed at her but I just couldn't be whilst I was lying on the floor with a blinding pain in my pregnant stomach and people laughing at me, the only person making at attempt to help being Alex. "Shit, where does it hurt?" She asked uncertainly, making an attempt to turn me onto my side to get me off of my stomach.

"Ow! Don't touch... my stomach..." I told her through shallow breaths. I was trying to concentrate on breathing rather than the stabbing pain.

"Shit! Someone call a fucking ambulance already, someone get Ms. Munroe!" Alex called out to the people surrounding us who just laughed at her.

"Alex, she just fell over, calm your shit." Someone from our close group of friends joked with Alex and I could literally feel the glare radiating off her.

"Just do as you're fucking told without questioning it, for the love of God!" She yelled, frustrated, trying desperately to calm my terrified tears by stroking my hair. "Mitch, it'll be okay, baby. You'll be fine, you both will," She whispered into my ear, barely audibly.

"No! You don't want us, you don't want us," I cried to her in hysterics. Just then my mom appeared next to me and exchanged a few rushed words with Alex. "Mom, I'm scared..." I trailed off tiredly. The pain in my stomach was quickly just becoming an extremely strong throbbing pain, causing my entire body to feel numb and uncontrollable, like if I even attempted to get up I would either make it worse or fail miserably.

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