Chapter 12: Chad Dylan Cooper Torres

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Sonny's POV

At ten o'clock I was sitting on the couch, ready for Mitchie to return home from work, dreading the talk we were about to have. I couldn't stop thinking about how she would react and what I would say to her. The memories of everything still played fresh in my mind and I was terrified of reliving them when I finally told her all about my past.

My phone ringing from next to me pulled me from my thoughts and I saw that it was Mitchie calling.

"Hello?" I asked, wondering why she was bothering to call me when she was due home within the next ten minutes.

"Hey, Mom, I was wondering if Alex could stay over tonight please." She hinted nervously.

"Absolutely not, I wouldn't let a boy sleep over so I'm not letting your girlfriend sleep over; I thought you wanted to talk tonight anyway?" I asked her, using that as an excuse for Alex to not stay. It wasn't that I didn't like Alex but I still wasn't comfortable with the idea of my little girl having a girlfriend, let alone a girlfriend that slept over on a regular basis.

"I do but Alex won't judge you... please, Mom." She asked again and I shook my head before realising that she couldn't see me. She didn't know that Alex and I had arranged for her to sleep over on her birthday and honestly, that to me was pushing it.

"No. Not happening, Michelle." I told her firmly. She sighed over the phone and mumbled something to Alex who groaned in annoyance in the background. "I let her sleep over yesterday when you didn't even ask, she's not staying again. That was a one off." I told her before hanging up the phone, not willing to argue with her.

Fifteen minutes later she came through the front door and sat on the couch opposite me, still slightly annoyed that I hadn't allowed Alex to stay over.

"So, what do you want to know about your father?" I asked her, getting straight to the point.

"Everything." She told me simply.

"His name was Chad Dylan Cooper-Torres, but he always dropped the Torres because he thought it made him sound too 'namey,' he used to always tell me how much he hated the stupid name. You got Torres because I knew that he would never search for you using that name, it would be Munroe or Cooper but never Torres. He was the vainest guy I'd ever met but something drew me in to him. He was gorgeous, every girl in college wanted him but he chose me, he made me feel special and wanted for a few months before we got serious..."


It was my first day of college at NYU, I had worked all my life for this and I got it. When I arrived at my first lecture I noticed a blonde-haired boy with bright blue eyes watching me as I walked in, despite the amount of slutty-looking girls swooning over him. As I walked past him, he wolf-whistled at me and I blushed a deep crimson.

Throughout the lesson I caught him looking at me repeatedly and at the end he waited behind for me because I was speaking to the lecturer.

"Hey there, pretty lady. I'm Chad, Chad Dylan Cooper." He introduced himself outside the door, putting his hand out for me to shake. I took his hand and he brought it to his lips, kissing the back of my hand softly and causing me to giggle like a schoolgirl.

"I'm Sonny, Sonny Munroe." I replied, blushing at his action. He grinned at me, the light from the skylight bouncing off his shiny white teeth and causing them to sparkle.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Sonny. I know you may probably think I'm a little forward but I think you're beautiful, I would really love to take you out some time." He told me boldly as we walked slowly through the school grounds. I was taken aback by what he'd just said; I'd never had a boyfriend before, I'd never even had my first kiss. I wasn't someone that guys would pay attention to in high school and I expected college to be the same so when the guy that every girl seemed to be attracted to asked me out, I just couldn't resist.

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