Chapter 14: Superman

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Alex's POV

On Friday morning, the morning of Mitchie's birthday, I woke up at five o'clock, three hours earlier than I usually would to get ready and take Mitchie her presents and a McDonalds breakfast. After showering and drying my hair I dressed in my despised school uniform (as much as I hated it, I had so many fantasies about treating Mitchie like a bad student and 'punishing' her, fantasies which would be fulfilled after her party) then crept out of my house quietly, being careful not to wake my parents or Max.

It was quarter to six when I arrived at Mitchie's house with our breakfast, I noticed that the living-room light was on, meaning that Sonny was awake, and pulled my phone out of my pocket to text Sonny on the number which she'd used to contact me when Mitchie's phone died on a date a few weeks ago.

Alex: Hey, I'm here to bring Mitchie breakfast and presents, can you let me in please? Don't want to knock and wake Mitch.

A few moments later the lock on the front door clicked and Sonny appeared in black sweat pants and a grey sweater. Her long light brown hair was pulled back into a bun and she had her black thick-rimmed glasses on with a mug of coffee in her hand.

"Morning, Alex, come on in, Sleeping Beauty is in her room." She greeted me with a kind, tired smile. As I stepped into the living room I noticed it was decorated with balloons and birthday banners, there was a card and a small wrapped box next to it on the fireplace and streamers hanging randomly around the room. "I do this for her every year, I didn't do it for her thirteenth because I thought she was too old and she got so disappointed she nearly cried so I've had to continue the tradition." She explained as she sat back down on the couch and re-opened the copy of Wuthering Heights she was working with. She picked up a small pink post-it note with something scribbled on it, then stuck it to a page of the book.

"That's cute... I'll just go up and find her; I can't wait to see her face when she opens her presents." I told Sonny, gesturing to the large black bag containing all of Mitchie's birthday presents. "Here, I bought you some breakfast too, can't be leaving my favourite teacher out." I told her charmingly, passing her a small brown McDonalds bag separate from Mitchie's and mine.

"Oh my God, you're telepathic, I was really craving one of these when I woke up. What have you bought her?" She asked curiously with a smile.

"A dress and some shoes for tonight, I got her a new notebook as well for her songs." I told her with a smile, leaving out the part about the private things for Mitchie and me. "Are you coming to her party tonight?" I asked quietly, just in case Mitchie was awake; I didn't want to ruin the surprise.

"Actually I was going to tell you in class today; I can't come tonight, I don't want to watch my underage daughter drinking which I assume she will be. I'll come for the first hour but I won't stay any longer than that; I'm going out with a few of the other English teachers tonight." She told me with a kind smile. "I wouldn't want people there to be uncomfortable because their teacher is there, anyway." She added on quietly. I nodded, glad that she was still coming to show her face.

"That's nice, where are you going?" I asked politely, not wanting to seem rude to her. Really all I wanted to do was run up the stairs and wake my hot, newly-eighteen girlfriend up.

"Just around to some bars, the other teachers asked me to go out and 'loosen up' with them but I've said I'll just be the designated driver."

"Oh... Well, I hope you have a great time, I'm going to wake Mitchie now or her breakfast will go cold." I quickly excused myself and made a quick dash for the stairs. When I reached Mitchie's room I slowly pushed the door open and slipped inside, careful not to make a sound.

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