Chapter 10: Sick, Wink, Wink

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Mitchie's POV

As we approached the classroom that Alex told me was my mom's, I noticed a full class of kids sitting quietly at their desks whilst my mom checked attendance. Alex and I were holding hands as she knocked the door, causing my mom to look up and sigh visibly at us. As Alex pushed the door open it made a loud creaking sound, causing everyone that wasn't already watching to see who knocked to look up and notice us.

"Wait outside, girls." My mom ordered us strictly.

We sat on the steps outside the classroom, never once allowing our hands to disconnect. I crossed my legs roughly, the tingling that Alex had previously left there still hitting me strongly.

"You've got me so hot baby... wanna ditch and fix me?" I whispered into her ear, seductively biting her lobe when I'd finished.

"Oh my god, you're so sexy when you... unf... what exactly would you want me to do to you?" She asked, testing the waters to see how far I'd go with her. I smirked; I was never one to lose a game.

"I want you to take me away from here and fuck me senseless; I want your face between my legs and your lips working wonders on my clit because what you do with your tongue in my mouth makes it obvious that you'll be great when you go down there." I told her seriously, causing her to blush profusely and disconnect her hand, wrapping her arm around my back and slipping her hand underneath my butt.

Just as she squeezed, erupting a cross between a moan and a yelp from me, my mom came outside of the classroom. "Why are you so late?" She asked us sternly; right now she wasn't my mom, she was my teacher. "Alex, honey, do you not feel well? You're looking a little red and flustered." She suddenly switched to compassionate when she noticed that Alex didn't look like her usual self. Taking in Alex's blush and my look of heat caused her to piece together what she thought were the pieces of the puzzle and conclude that Alex was sick. Playing along couldn't hurt.

"Mom, she's sick, can we go home so I can look after her? I promise you can make us do the work later when she's feeling a bit better." I offered, knowing my mom too well to know she'd make us stay if Alex was sick.

"Of course, baby. I'll sign you out and you can go back to ours, there's soup in the cupboard which you can cook." She told us before rushing back into her classroom, emerging seconds later with two pink slips. "Here are your passes to leave; this is a one off because she's clearly sick. I shouldn't be doing this but I don't want you to get any worse. I hope you feel better soon, Alex."

With that we left hurriedly, both desperate to get to my house as quick as possible. As she drove, Alex took every opportunity that arose to brush the back of her hand against my covered-clit and every single time it caught me off guard, resulting in me jumping.

I couldn't even remember unlocking the front door, I could just remember being slammed forcefully into it the second I'd closed it. Alex wasted no time in stripping me, slipping my blazer from my arms and literally ripping my shirt open, not even bothering to undo the buttons which flew off around the room.

We made our way upstairs, never once disconnecting our lips or bodies.

Once we made it to my room Alex shoved me back onto my bed and straddled my waist. She made it look as if she was going to kiss me but instead she connected her lips to my neck and began to suck roughly on it, relentlessly sinking her teeth into my quickly-bruising skin.

"Aaah, Alex," I moaned out, quickly losing my ability to breathe properly. She pulled away and smirked at me; she knew exactly what effect she was having on me. Her hand slipped up my skirt quickly so she could rub my thighs, tantalisingly slowly, as she moved her lips from my neck and trailed them down the top half of my body, kissing, licking and sucking at every part of exposed skin she could get to. I whimpered involuntarily, trying desperately to prevent her from realising exactly how much control she really had over me.

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