Chapter 19: Handing Her Over

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"Lexi, I need to tell you something." I announced to Alex after finishing my sandwich. We were in the substation which was pretty much dead due to the time. Alex seemed to be in her own little world as she stared shamelessly at my stomach through my school shirt. I knew why she was looking at it but I still couldn't help feeling self-conscious; whether it was food weight or baby weight I'd still gained weight and I still felt horribly insecure about my figure. The next few months would certainly be a challenge for my self-esteem.

"What, baby?" She asked in a sort of trance, her eyes never leaving my protruding middle.

"I... So, I need to tell you this because I mean it and you need to know, as much as I'd love to hear it back it's not my main concern right now," I began, grabbing her attention properly as she dragged her focus from my stomach to my probably slightly puffy eyes. "Since I met you I felt this undeniable attraction to you, you made me realise my sexuality and you helped me come to terms with it. You've done so much for me and helped me so much, you've never failed to make me smile and you've really stayed true to your word about being here for me after... that thing." I continued, avoiding the r-word like the plague.

"It's what I'm here for, sweetie. I'd be a shitty girlfriend if I didn't do all of those things, wouldn't I?" She asked with a shrug, lowering her voice considerably as the word 'girlfriend' passed her lips because her parents were both in the same room, walking around, cleaning tables and taking orders.

"I know, but let me finish. I'm not done yet." I told her, pressing my finger softly against her luscious lips to shut her up. She often had a tendency to interrupt me when she thought I was finished so I knew that the action was necessary. "So, not only have you helped me with all of that, but you're about to embark on motherhood with me. You're about to take on major responsibility and become a parent because of my mista-"

"It was not your mistake, it was his. Don't you dare ever say that again." She growled, instantly becoming angry and forcing my finger from her lips. I sighed and shook my head softly.

"I should have taken the morning after pill; it didn't even cross my mind. The possibility of a pregnancy was admittedly the last thing on my mind. I should have done something to prevent it. Anyway, that's not the point. You have no ties, you don't have to take this baby on but you're willing to. All of the things you do and how happy you make me has all added together over the eight months I've known you. What I'm trying to say Alex, is that I have fallen head over heels in love with you and I'm damn proud to admit it." I told her, my voice losing its quiver and becoming firmer and more confident with every word I spoke.

As I scanned Alex's facial features I saw pure blissful joy. The grin on her face was growing larger by the second until it was practically spread from ear to ear and her eyes lit up a distinguishable amount from my admission. "Mitch, that was so beautiful. I love you, too. I really do. This was everything I wanted from the moment I met you; I wanted us to both fall in love and be happy for ages. I want us to grow old together and have babies together. That's what we're doing now; I don't care that it's a lot earlier than I originally wanted and I don't care that this baby isn't biologically mine because it is mine. It's ours." She told me, tears welling in her eyes as she took my hands in hers across the table and bit her lip softly to prevent her tears from escaping. I was so ecstatic at what she'd just said that I couldn't help but think of what I wanted to do next.

I wasn't quite sure how to press my next issue but it was something that I definitely needed to do so I decided to bite the bullet, so to speak, and go for it.

"There's something I want to do now..." I trailed off nervously, trying to make it obvious that I was deadly serious about what I was next going to say.

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