Chapter 16: Seviran

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It wasn't his fault his mother was a human.

That he was born half-Mer without the ability to shift though he did have magic.

But he had found an old book of ancient Mer spells, one that could temporarily give him Merman abilities.

All he needed was Mermaid tears to finish it.

He went to one of the tubes holding a Mermaid and grinned as the Mer began crying on sight of him. He had taken her for...testing purposes, along with three others.

He collected her tears in a vial and headed towards his working station. He mixed everything together and then ingested it. His insides suddenly felt like they were on fire.

It had to be working!

He awaited his transformation with excitement, even though every inch of him hurt. His hands turned scaly and were webbed, his tail was silver with long spikes sticking out the back. He pulled the mirror down and saw his ears had become fins, but they were spiked like his tail.

Something was wrong-he didn't look like a Merman.

Maybe a different species, but not a Merman.

He looked like a creature thought to be extinct-a Serpent.

His teeth began to ache and when he opened his mouth he saw that they were sharp-almost sharper than a sharks. The burning intensified, to the point where he cried out in pain.

What was going wrong?!

He did everything the book said!

His pupils became little slits, the entirety of his eyes burning a bright green.

Something was definitely wrong.

His fingers burned as claws broke through, his hair fell away and a row of spikes went down the middle of his head.

The spell didn't work-it had turned him into a monster.

The Mermaid and Merman's cries had grown as they saw his transformation.

He looked exactly like a Serpent-a creature that was thought to be extinct.

But not anymore.

One bite from a Serpent and a Mer will die a slow, agonizing death.

He had brought death upon the Mer kind.

Seviran felt the urge to attack the Mers, their loud cries ringing in his overly sensitive ears. He felt drawn to them. He shifted his legs back and approached the first Mer, reaching in the tank to grab out her arm and sunk his rows of sharp teeth into her flesh.

She cried out and tried to fight him but he was too strong. Her veins began to run black as the poison from his bite ran through her system. She screamed louder as the burning in her body intensified and her suffering lasted about twenty minutes or so.

She suffered until she was...dead.

Seviran realized he did something better than becoming a Mer-he was going to be the end of them for everything they had done to him.

He finally had his revenge-and it would be sweet.

He brought the second serving of the potion and forced it down the other female Mer's throat. He was curious to see how the potion would react to her.

She screamed as a fire burned within her as well. But instead of dying-

She changed.

She turned and bit the other Mer in the tank with her, watching him die with a grin.

He could create his own army, and decimate the Mermaid population-turn them into monsters with him.

Then he wouldn't be different.

He would rule them.

"You're under my command." Seviran stated, grinning when she snapped to attention.

"I am under your command." She said, her pupils dilating.

Seviran laughed an evil laugh, knowing he was going to start a war that he would win. He needed more Mers. And he would get them. The Mers from his pod would all become his slaves. He would turn and rule them all.

Well, those that didn't die.

It was his destiny, he decided.

He was going to be the end of Mers, and it felt good.

This is what they deserved, he believed, for ostracizing him over something he had no control over.

But now he had control-he would be the King of the Sea.

He was going to bring Mers down with a smile on his face. No one could stop him. He was going to rule the ocean, and he couldn't wait.

Now he just needed to build his army.

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