Chapter 8: Illumia Cove

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I waited for Marinley on our dock. She surfaced with a playful smile on her face, waving at me.

"You're early today." I told her with a smile, helping her out of the water.

I don't think she needs my help but I like that she does it anyways.

I like holding her hand.

"What did you want to show me?" I asked, curiosity getting the best of me.

"First, can we go see Simon?"

We walked in step to my house, talking about everything. I lead her up to my room, hoping it was kind of clean. I'm not a messy person but I do tend to be lazy at times. I was relieved when we walked in and it was decent.

Willa must've been in here.

Simon perked up and started whining when he saw her. She rubbed all over him and was making low noises that had him making noises back.

Marinley stood and looked around my room, staring at the posters on my wall, the pictures hanging up of me, Willa, and Clary, and then stopped at my collection-my most prized possessions-my stones and shells.

Back in seventh grade Lyra had found jade in a cove we went to with our class. She had found two stones, so she gave one to me. And then it became it a thing-collecting different stones and gems. She helped my collection along the most, but I love my stones.

She seemed to like them too.

"What's that?" She asked, pointing to one.

I walked over and looked where she was pointing, at a peacock stone. So I told her what it was.

"It's pretty. You like stones and shells?"

I nodded, I really did. "Yes. Clary got me most of the ones in my collection, but they're my most prized possessions. I love collecting them."

She nodded, then smiled up at me. "Are you ready to go?"

I wanted to ask where, but I like surprises.

"Yes, let's go!"

We walked back down to the dock with Simon in tow, and then thought of what Willa and I had talked about.

"How would you feel about changing Simon's name? I just don't think it suits him."

She looked at him and ran her hand down his back, he licked her hand in response. She pondered for a few minutes before a smile took over her face.

"What about Strover? It means strong in old Mer." She suggested, and I thought it was perfect.

"I love it."

She leaned down and make noises again, Strover making them back.

"He likes it too."

"So what did you want to show me?" I asked, stepping closer to her.

"Plug your nose." She said with a grin, and then suddenly I was airborne.

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