Prologue: Mermaid Money

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Sailor shook his head, trying to run away from the boating dock. The seven year old was petrified of water, if he couldn't see the ground beneath his feet he wouldn't swim. It began after his uncle Joey was scuba diving and had been mauled to death by a shark. His body was never recovered, except for his right arm.

Joey was the only person who truly cared for Sailor, his parents so invested in their wealth they never spent time with him. It left him feeling lonely and sad, even more so now that his best friend was gone. He refused to go in the water, and his parents were growing impatient.

It had been two years since Joey died, it was time for him to face his fears, as his parents believed.

"You will get on that boat right now young man!" His mother snapped, gripping his wrist and pulling him towards the boat.

"No! I don't wanna get eaten! Let me go let me go!" He cried, pulling away from her and running back towards the concrete sidewalk.

His mother threw her hands up in frustration, wondering why she had to be stuck with a son like him. All kids loved water, he was being overdramatic. Joey was her younger brother and she loved him, but if she could move on, so could Sailor.

"You deal with him." She snapped at Manuel, her husband, stomping towards the boat.

Why does the little shit have to be my problem? Manuel thought to himself, sluggishly making his way over to his son.

Before he could reach him, he noticed a little girl standing next to the crying boy. She had long silver hair with a crown of netting and shells resting atop her head, wearing what looked to be a dress made of different seashells tied together by more netting.

What are kids wearing these days? Jesus Christ. He sighed, continuing towards the burden he called his son.

They were never supposed to have kids, that was the deal. But he knew his sleuthing wife needed to tie him down to her in some way, and what better way than with a kid? At least it was a boy that could eventually, but most likely not, take over the family business. He stopped when Sailor stood up, smiling at the young girl who was speaking to him.

Marinley had seen the boy fight his parents, afraid of the sea. The sea was her home, she had nothing to fear. So neither should he.

"Why are you crying?" She asked as the startled boy looked up at her.

The first thing he noticed was her deep silver eyes that reminded him of shiny quarters, and hair to match.

But she was prettier than all the girls at his school that was certain.

"My uncle got eated by a shark. I don't wanna die too."

Marinley frowned, gesturing for him to stand up. Even though they were both around the same age, he was a little bit taller than her. But she didn't seem scared of him at all.

"Not all sharks are mean. You can't let one bad thing scare you from doing stuff."

Sailor shrugged, looking down at his feet.

Marinley pulled the bag of shells from her pocket, holding them tightly in her hand and whispering a chant to charm the bag. It lit up in her hand before dulling. These shells were to be safe and protected at all costs, her mother had said. Something about them was very special but Marinley didn't know why. She knew in her heart the boy would keep them safe.

"Here, this will help." She said with a smile, handing him the small netted bag tied together with braided seaweed.

"What is it?" Sailor said in disgust, looking at the weird bag.

"It's Mermaid money," she lied on the spot, proud of herself for coming up with it. "When you get hurt or lost at sea, you drop this in the water and Mermaids will save you."

Sailor looked at her in awe, holding the bag in his hand. "But my mommy says Mermaids aren't real."

Sailor looked Marinley in the eye, and his own went wide in surprise as they flashed a bright silver, way brighter than a shiny quarter.

Too bright for a person.

"They are. Take this and go, before your dad comes over here. He doesn't look happy."

"That's because my parents don't like me."

Marinley smiled sadly at him, nodding in understanding.

"You'll be okay. I'll always be here for you." She touched his face and walked away, leaving Sailor a bit breathless.

She disappeared under the dock and with a newfound confidence, Sailor put the bag of money in his pocket and made his way over to his father. Now that he knew he would be safe, he walked past his dad and onto the boat, sitting right at the front with a smile on his face. Both of his parents were surprised at the sudden change. His mother placed her hand on his shoulder and asked what had changed.

"I met a Mermaid and she said I would be safe."

Whatever that little girl had said to him worked, and Sailor's parents silently thanked the weirdly dressed child for breaking their son out of his crippling fear.

As the boat pulled away from the dock, Sailor looked down into the water and saw a flash of silver swim underneath the wave. He knew it was her, and for the first time in two years, he smiled and sat back, enjoying the ride.

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