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Finally, we trudged into our suite, exhausted from the long day of exploration. I dropped my bags and flopped on the couch, landing like a starfish on my back. Jimin was soon to follow, falling right on top of me. I caught him against my chest, both of us laughing and I tickled him on his sides. He scrunched into a little ball while screaming at me to stop. He was out of breath from laughter when I finally relented. He tumbled unto the floor and composed himself, breathing heavy after trying to escape my clutches.

I quickly rose from the couch, walking into the bathroom without explanation. In the room, there was a grand jacuzzi tub I planned on utilizing. I began running the water, feeling for the water to warm. Once it was a satisfactory temperature, I began filling the tub. It was going to take quite some time before it reached the proper height, so I sat on the edge and pulled out my phone to check twitter. I didn't find anything too significant, just scrolled for a while.

After 15 minutes, the tub was halfway to the right height, so I decided to retrieve Jimin. I was surprised he hadn't come sooner. I ventured into the living space and found Jimin right where I had left him, soft snoring escaping his plump lips. I took a quick picture of him on my phone before squatting down to wake him.

"Dangshin, wake up, I have a bath nearly ready for us."

Jimin's eyes fluttered open as I placed my hand on his face and brushed the stray hairs away.

"Huh? Jungkook-ah, what happened?" he asked, still dazed from his nap.

"You fell asleep on the floor baby," I explained, grinning at his goofy look.

"I did? I'm sorry baby, I didn't realize I was so tired."

"That's alright dangshin, it was good for you."

I helped Jimin stand from the floor. Just as he turned towards the bedroom, I swept him up in my arms, carrying him bridal-style. He panicked at the surprise and desperately wrapped his arms around my neck.

"I've got you Jagi-ya," I whispered into his ear, leaving a soft kiss on his cheek. He giggled and allowed me to carry him to the bathroom. I placed him atop the toilet and checked the bathwater. Perfect. Once I shut the water off, I got out some of our bath oils and added some to the water, pleasant scents filling the room. I turned around to see my husband, undressed and combing his messy hair before bathing. The sight of him will never get old.

I helped him into the tub before undressing and climbing in behind him. The hot water wrapped around my body, relieving the pains in my legs from so much walking. Jimin floated over to sit between my legs, resting his head against my chest. We both sat in the tub, warm water up to our necks, basking in the aroma of the oils. I wrapped my arms around his waist, gently caressing his thighs beneath the water. He whined at my touch, half asleep from the heat of the water. I watched his face as he let all his tense muscles relax, his eyebrows resting peacefully above his almond eyes.  At that moment, time stood still and I found myself dreaming of a different life, one where we didn't have to worry about what others thought.

Jimin soon looked up at me, snapping me out of my trance. I met his eyes, smiling to show him I was happy. He knew me too well, and instantly he knew what I had been thinking.

"Jagi-ya, were you thinking about us?" he asked. I nodded, breaking eye contact and staring intently at a tile on the wall.

"Hey, Jungkook-ah, look at me," Jimin said gently, reaching is a hand up to my cheek. He directed my eyes back to his, a loving expression dancing within them.

"I know it's hard baby, I wish things could be different too. This won't last forever. One day, when our fame has come and gone, when we've established a life for ourselves and the generations to come, we won't have to hide it so intensely. Maybe we can even move somewhere that we will be free to express ourselves without fear. Whatever you want. But right now, let's enjoy this bit of freedom we do have."

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