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I woke before Jimin. He was snuggled around some of the plush pillows that had been jostled through the previous night's activities. I took a moment to take in the scene before me. His naked body was gently wrapped in the sheets, his hair standing in all directions like golden straw. He had a peaceful expression, and I wished for a moment I could join his happy dreams. Quietly so not to wake him, I slipped out of bed, slipping on my boxers and some complementary house shoes. I tiptoed out of the room, gently closing the door behind me.

I had ordered many different ingredients and foods to be stocked in the kitchen before we arrived. Something many people don't know about me is my ability to cook. Jin has always been known to be the cook, and I let him have ARMY's admiration. However, there are many days I end up making the meal because Jin is tired, sick, or gone. I usually am one of the first to wake up in the morning, so I'm used to making breakfast. That's exactly what I planned on doing this morning. As I walked through the suite, I spotted my camera bag by the entryway. I took a few moments to film the view of the street below, admiring the crystal blue sky of the early morning. All traces of rain had disappeared. It was going to be a perfect day.

After I finished filming, the kitchen was soon alive with smells of cooking eggs and rice. I prepared a side dish of some sprouts to mix with the rice as well as some pickled veggies. Jimin loves a traditional Korean breakfast. He doesn't care for the fluffy pastries popular in America, he says they make him feel bloated.

Just as I was finishing the eggs, I heard the large wooden door slide on their track. I look towards the door and was met with Jimin's messy hair and puffy eyes. He squinted his eyes at the bright sunshine gleaming through the windows, his deep brown eyes disappearing.

"Good morning gorgeous," I said with a huge smile. He always looked the most beautiful in the morning.

He scoffed at my words, rolling his eyes and made his way over to the bar. He pulled out a stool and hopped up, watching my preparations.

"Where did you get all the ingredients?" he suddenly asked.

"I ordered them ahead of time, I wanted to cook for you while we are here."

He rested his head between his hands and leaned his elbows against the counter. His cheeks were squished and he looked adorable. I let a small smile dance across my lips, appreciating this time we had all to ourselves.

"You hungry baby?" I asked him. He looked like he was about to fall back asleep. He usually wakes up once he has some food in his stomach.

He nodded lazily and I put a plate of egg and rice in front of him along with some side dishes. I got him a glass of water and joined him with my portion at the bar. We wasted no time in eating the hot food, our energy drained from the late night activities. It filled my stomach with warmth and vibrance; I felt my energy being restored. After fifteen minutes of silence Jimin started to perk up.

"Jungkook, I can't believe we are actually here. It's like a dream!"

"Me either baby, I don't want it to ever end."

I caressed his cheek with my hand, leaning in to meet his plush lips for a good morning kiss. We let ourselves get lost in the movements of each other's lips, finally breaking away for some air. Jimin squealed, his energy restored and ready to explore the city. I laughed as he jumped down from the stool and ran to the bathroom with his clothes and bag of toiletries.

As we got ready to leave our room, I made sure I had all my gear for filming. I charged my camera while we prepared for the day. Everything was in order, and we were soon entering the elevator. I began filming our journey, with Jimin as my main focus. I enjoy filming one person at a time. It allows me to capture the dynamics of their character without distraction. We climbed into a cap, making the journey from our hotel into the deeper parts of the city. We found ourselves amidst crowds of natives and tourists alike as we crossed streets and weaved through alleys. I used my camera to capture the best parts of my lover, following close behind him as he led the way. We stopped at many booths throughout the streets, trying new street foods we hadn't tested before.

We walked in and out of shops, Jimin carrying around his drink he bought at a booth. It was called Genmaicha, a type of green tea mixed with brown rice. He loved it, I thought it was okay. I wasn't feeling nearly as adventurous and had settled for some canned coffee in a vending machine. We soon found one of the shops on our destination list. Actually, this was the most important destination of the entire trip. It was here we were planning on buying our wedding bands, something we had been unable to do in Korea.

We entered the store and disposed of our finished drinks in the recycle provided near the door. A sales representative met us at the counter. We bowed and said hello in Japanese. He immediately picked up on our Korean accents, and he easily began our conversation in our native tongue.

"Good morning gentlemen, what can we do for you today?" he asked politely.

"Good morning. We came here to see your collection of male wedding bands. We researched your company and saw you sold many collections."

The man looked between the two of us, a genuine smile resting on his face as he realized we were together. "Of course! Please come look this way, my displays are around the corner."

Jimin and I spent the next hour trying on many different designs of rings, finally find one that was perfect. They were matching in shape, one with a black band and the other with gold. The outside was engraved with the words "You Are My Love" on both, and a small diamond rested in the center of the bands. I liked mine the way it came, and had it fitted to my finger size. Jimin wanted his altered a little, and we ended up adding a few extra diamonds arching above the first one, creating a rainbow shape across the top of the band. Inside we engraved the word "Love" so we could always carry each other's love with us. Jimin had his finger fitted, and our orders were soon placed. The gentleman who helped us was amazing and cast no judgement. It made this feel real, made our relationship feel legitimate.

After we left the jewelry store, we spent some more time shopping around. I did some filming as Jimin modeled some clothing and goofed around. No one else was nearby, so I filmed freely and watched as my handsome husband danced in the mirrors and searched for items he wanted to add to his wardrobe. When we were ready to leave, we asked for directions and took off to explore the rest of the city. 

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