Sara: Please don't tell him about me.

Felicity: I can keep a secret. Just ask him.

"She can. except Barry's for some reason." Liam stated. 

"Who's Barry?" Multiple people asked. 

"You'll see." 

(Felicity and Oliver leave) 

Sara: You three are quite the team.

"Yes, you are," Roy fangirled. 

Diggle: We have our moments.


Man 1: Get back.

Sara:  No, no, please! Please, please, no!

Man 1: The more you struggle The more it'll hurt.

Sara: No, no, please! Please! 

Man 2: Wait. Let her go.

Oliver's eyes widened as he recognized the voice on his face there was only disgust. The voice that belonged to a man who killed Shado. 

Man 1: You don't give me orders.

Man 2: No, that would be the Captain. But he works for me. Doesn't he?

(Man 1 trows Sara into the arms of man 2) 

Sara: Help me, please!

Man 2: Come here.

*Flashback ends*

*With detective Lance* 

Quentin: Laurel, listen, it's your father--again. Ok, now listen, I know you're still mad at me after what I said when you got pulled over last week, but it's not right, us not talking. So please, just-- just call me, ok? 

Felicity: Detective Lance! I knew you'd be getting home around now because your shift has ended. Which I knew because I kind of pinged your cell phone.

Quentin: Miss. Smoak

Felicity: You have cockroaches and they mean business.

There were a few chuckles.

Quentin: Since when did you start making house calls? 

Felicity: Since you're in danger.

Quentin: I'm not afraid of cockroaches.

Again the same people chuckled.

Felicity: Yes, you're in real danger! You need to get out of town for a couple days.

Quentin: Listen, I'm in danger every time I put on this uniform, so you're going to have to be a little more specific.

"This is where I get my stubbornness from," Sara stated and Quentin just rolled his eyes. 

Felicity: There's an organization called the League of Assassins and three of its members are targeting you. It sounded a little less crazy in my head.

Quentin: I doubt it.

Felicity: Malcolm Merlyn was apparently a member. That should give you some sort of idea about the type of people we're dealing with.

Quentin: Ok, I'll bite. What did I do to piss them off? 

Felicity: That um Is a really long story. You just You need to trust me. You're not safe here in Starling City.

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