"Yosh! I will take this opportunity to improve my stamina! Thank you for this opportunity, fair flower!"

Neji raised an eyebrow at me, as if asking why.

"The more he's tired, the less likely he's going to talk." With that said, the genin seemed satisfied.

"Guys! Gai-sensei is looking for you!" Came rushing Tenten. I was like Tenten in so many ways, we were both given the looks of a background character, but we both still had a personality of our own. She was really underrated in the series, but hopefully I could get to know her better as a person.

"I'm Naka." I introduced myself, albeit a little plainly, to the three of them. "I hope we can become good friends in the future."

They echoed their introductions.

"Hinata and I will be willing to train with you guys if you need training partners." I offered, watching as Hinata blushed red but didn't deny.

Just as the team was about to leave, I went up to Tenten.

"Hey, are you a weapon specialist?" I asked her, feigning curiosity.

"Yeah! How did ya know?" She grinned back.

"You have weapon scrolls everywhere. In your back pocket and weapons holster." I gave her a small (hopefully also winning) smile. "I need help with weapon reflexes, do you think you can help me some time?"

Truth was, my weapons reflexes sucked. If I had an eye on target, my aim was quite good. But if it was a surprise attack, I doubt I would be able to hit the enemy's vital points. Injure him, yes, but not vitally.

"Sure! Just give me the date and time!"

And so began our friendship.


"Asuma," I greeted my step-brother in the living room. He was home more often than not, except when he was on missions. Probably the fact that he found out Hiruzen rarely came home, or Shori had decided to stop nagging him a long time ago. That, and the fact that he thought Naruto and I could use some brotherly figure.

"One day, I'm going to get you to call me Asuma-nii." He said with an amused smile, not turning away from the book he was reading. "Is there something you need?"

"I want you to help me with my chakra blades." I gave him a hopeful look, because I could never pull off puppy eyes with the flat look on my face. "Please?" I added.

"Took you long enough to ask." My brother put down his book.

The past two years, I was practicing chakra blades on my own, and didn't go any further. They were just basics, really, controlling the amount of chakra in the blades and practicing how to handle the weapon with ease. Part of me knew it wasn't enough, but I was too scared that if I did something wrong, Yamada-sensei's chakra blades could never be used again.

Shisui wasn't much help. He wasn't really a weapons type of ninja, and to be fair, I only got to meet him for a few days every few months. He really was getting busy as a tokubetsu jonin. But hey, he always bought me dango so all was forgiven. So whenever we did meet, we would catch up and talk about our troubles, but we rarely got to train with one another nowadays. Times seemed to have changed, but I was alright with it. As long as we stay friends, I was glad.

"You were waiting?" I asked, happy with the direction this conversation was heading.

"Yeah. Chakra blades are my specialty. Besides, I could use some experience teaching someone." Then in a quiet tone, he mumbled. "And someone asked me to teach you, as if he didn't know I was going to do it anyway."

I decided not to ask who that was. And ah, yes. Asuma said that he wanted to take on a team around the next year or two. I guess he was getting into his 'future generations are the King' phase.

I was so glad I asked him. The next few months, he taught me various techniques on how to improve accuracy, and since I have kind of mastered chakra blades chakra control (been doing it for two years), it was fairly easy to learn the jutsu the bearded teacher taught.

They were basic wind techniques, since Asuma's affinity was wind. Although my affinity was lightning, I have yet to learn any, let alone incorporate them with the chakra blades.

So, Asuma also decided to take a step back and teach basic lightning and wind techniques. They were really simple, D-rank, genin level or lower. The wind jutsus were just pushing chakra from your fingertips to form wind blades- I honestly think he likes to cut up things- and blowing a soft gust of wind from your mouth. I managed to move a few leaves on the ground, which was satisfying enough.

Apparently, my brother was a completely different teacher from Yamada-sensei. Asuma didn't like giving physical exercises (or perhaps because he knew I had too many of those during my daily routines after school), but instead opt for teaching jutsu and letting me practice on my own. So he was really there for about an hour first day of the week, then completely disappearing for seven days, then coming back to check up on my progress. If it was good enough, he would teach the next one, if it wasn't, he would show me how to do it again and let me do it on my own for the next week.

Lightning techniques, on the other hand, were so much easier to follow. Perhaps because I had an affinity for it. He taught me how to send mild shock through contact. Usually, it's just used to send signals or warnings to our allies without words, or to wake up an unconscious person. But if more chakra were to be applied, it could be potentially dangerous, and unfortunately, we weren't there yet. Hopefully soon, though.

Needless to say, Asuma was one hell of a teacher and brother.

Author's Note:

We'll get to their genin days soon enough ;) Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Feel free to let me know your reviews and opinions on this chapter/story.

Don't forget to check my other story: Konoha High for Boys out! I really enjoy writing that.

Love you all.


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