(8) Telling The Girls

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She was 21 weeks pregnant and really starting to show but enjoying the fact that she no longer had to attend that clique ridden high school. Natalia had convinced her to tell Nat and Wanda what has been going on and about what happened with Bucky over spring break. So one day she texted them both and said that she wanted to talk to them after they were done with cheer practice. 

She heard them pull into her drive way and they knocked on her door. She was using her pillow to hide her baby bump. "Hey Dylan." they both said

"Hey girls um sit down." she said 

They both sit down and said "I've been trying to figure out how to tell you girls what's been going on with me. And um that's because I don't want you going to school and starting fights." 

"Okay." Nat said 

"Me and Bucky had sex over spring break in the beach house we used condoms he pulled a few times. But he told me it was nothing more than a fling that it didn't mean anything." she said 

"Oh my god.." Wanda said 

"There's more and this part I won't kept quiet cause quite honestly he doesn't deserve to know cause he's an asshole and that's I got pregnant I'm having a little girl whose due in December." she said as she stood up and lifted her shirt.. 

Nat said "Oh god.. that's why you have been hiding and chose to do homeschool cause you didn't want him to know. And your right he's an ass and doesn't deserve to know anything about his daughter." 

Wanda hugged her and said "I agree we will help you in any way we can we got you like we always have." 

Nat joined in on the hug and they stayed in her room and helped her find a name for her baby girl. Nat promised that she wouldn't hit anyone but she wasn't going to let him get away with breaking her sister's heart. 

The next morning she walked up to Bucky and grabbed him by his ear and pulled him down the hallway and he said "Ow ow ow Nat what is wrong why are you pulling me by my ear." 

They went out to the parking lot and she said "How could you Bucky?'

"How could I what?' he said confused

"How could you play your stupid mind games on Dylan? I have been trying to figure out for months now why my step sister decided to leave high school and do homeschool why she wanted nothing to do with me and Wanda. Then she told us last night that it was because you slept with her all of spring break." Nat said

"Nat I..she told me she was okay with it she told me she knew how I worked." he said

"You don't know a damn thing about her Buck.. she's been through enough heart ache in her 17 years of life she didn't need anymore. There's so much more pain behind her blue eyes that you can't even begin to understand her. I do and so does Wanda that's why I tried to get you to stop kissing her during truth or dare cause I knew you would play her just like you play every other fucking girl at this school. I hope one day Bucky you grow up and realize that people have feelings and they get hurt when people like you play games with their mind and heart. Don't ever speak to me or Wanda again and Steve has already been informed that he is not allowed to hang out with you and your man whore attitude." She said 

"Nat.." he said as she walked away. 

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