Part 10: Curse And Regret

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Inner World (Other Yuko's POV)

I summoned my other self here. Why do I have to summon her anyways? Well, it didn't felt safe outside where people are able to hear our conversation. "There you are." I said, closing my eyes. "Yeah, of course. I have a question for myself." The other me said looking serious. "Well, I'm you. You already destroy some of the curse, giving me more access to our memory. You should also have it." I answered, looking at myself deep in thoughts. "Okay, I guess....." My other self said as she disappear. I never expect that from her. Before I go back to sleep, I should at least find some information about the past. I locked them up. A long time ago, I locked up all of my past just to protect everyone. Well, most people. I ran from home when I was pregnant. That's why I have these two with me.

Flashback (??? POV)

I looked up to my older sister. She was flying over me, charging a ki blast. "Why....." There are more to say but the words wouldn't come out of my mouth. "Our mother chose you, it's your fault for not being strong enough." Nee-san said, her eyes filled with hatred and sorrow. How is it my fault? Kaa-san has chosen me. I'm the second daughter, why did it need to be me? She shot the ki blast at me but I dodged. It's very difficult to protect these two small and very fragile embryos while trying to fight Nee-san. I have no choices other than to run. That night, I left everything behind. I took every memory of myself with me. It was torturing for him to bare the missing pieces of his heart. I didn't want to do it but there's no other choices to protect everyone, I did regret my mistake. I didn't trust him. I didn't believe in his strength, his skills, his spirit to protect me. I know I would regret my actions but it was too risky. If I could, I hope to go back in time and correct my mistakes.

Sadly, there isn't a way to do it.

Flashback Ends

"I saw everything." A voice said behind a wall of darkness. Callis turned back to see Yuko, her other self, seeing more of herself than a little girl they once were. "How was it?" Callis asked with concern. At the same time, she was trying to hide her pained smile from showing. "So we're their mother, if I'm correct." Yuko said, also failing to hide that same, sorrowful smile. "I also understood it that way." Callis replied closing her eyes. "I think I better tell them." Yuko ended the conversation, leaving. She knew the truth, just gotta check it. Important: She finally figured out that Riz-chan and Rus-chan aren't fooling her. They are really her daughters.

Normal World

Yuko opened her eyes, seeing that Ritsu was still cooking and Rutsu was staring at her, more like waiting. "So, what is it that you learned?" Rutsu asked, "You were closing your eyes unconscious for less than a second. Don't you think that we couldn't sense it." She giggled a bit. "I know that you two would sense it, did you, Riz-chan?" Yuko asked, turning to Ritsu. She nodded, seeing a part of her mother in Yuko's eyes. "Well, I know everything a few years before I was cursed until now. Uh..... I think I need a bath." Yuko said, looking down at her white night gown, "And how did I have this white dress?" Ritsu laughed, looking up from her cooking and Rutsu chuckled. "I think that it's because you were wearing this under your dress before you're cursed." Rutsu said, laughing. "Okay, maybe....." Yuko said, thinking hard, "Um..... can you also buy me some clothes? I don't think you have my size here..." Then, she started calculating stuff and give the twins her sizes.

Time Skip

When Yuko finally finishes taking her bath, she went to check for some of Ritsu's clothes since she is bigger than her twin, claiming that Earth foods are delicious. She searched for some time and found a tribal dress that are a little smaller than her size, but it's the biggest one around. After a while, Rutsu entered the house with a bag of clothes..... still have some black sweater and black pants. It's a surprise that Yuko had chosen a pink dress and a blue sweater. She wore a pair of cute, green doll shoes and had a small bright-purple bag the same color of her sisters' (daughters') eyes. She has her hair double braided. "Do I look good?" She asked cheerfully. "Well, you look more like a girl." Ritsu admitted. "Completely agree, but it'll be easier for them to recognize you." Rutsu added, nodding. "I'll only wear something like these on Earth, no worries." Yuko smiled confidently, "I should show Goku! Bye!" The twins couldn't say a thing before she left, heading towards Bulma's place. They're pretty certain that Yuko have a way to shut the gods up but they already (kind of) trusted them.

At Bulma's Place

"Hey Goku!" Goku looked up hearing a familiar voice. "Yo onee-chan!" Goku called back seeing a average teen looking similar to Ritsu or Rutsu flying towards him, well Goku didn't know about Ryus back then. "Wait, who are you? You're not one of my twin sister." Goku said, taking a fighting stance. "Oh chill, I'll show you something." Yuko said, throwing her hands up in surrender. She waited for a while until Goku put his hands down. Yuko learned how to control the curse from her memory. She didn't break the curse, but if she push the curse with a special skill, it will be gone for a few hours at the most. She slowly release the ki on her back and the bottom half of the curse mark (reference on top) appeared. Then, the upper half starts to fade in. In the process, her body glowed a light shade of green and shrinks. Finally, she was left as the small Yuko in girly clothes for the first time. "O-Onee-chan?!" Goku shouted in amusement. "I think I'll show it to Beerus-sama and Whis-san later." Yuko confessed about her idea. "That would be amazing!" Goku exclaimed, "I'll go get Beerus-sama! Prepare the food!" With that, he flew off to the garden, hoping to find Whis and Beerus.

About Half an Hour Passed By.....

Yuko started to feel worried about the strong ki around them. She decided to check on them, not forgetting to change into her normal clothes which seemed to appear out of nowhere. She flew to the garden and saw someone on the way...

Hey ya readers! This is a very long update! I have nothing to say instead of I'm sorry for not updating for quite a long time! Just to let you know, I'll make Part 9 later since I forgot some of the very important details that are supposed to be in Part 9. Just like you thought, this clumsy writer did Part 10 before Part 9. Yeah and that's it. Hope y'all like it! Another thing, I would unpublish this part for a while since I messed up with the details. For those of you who read this I'm so sorry!

Red Star (Dbs) | EDITING |Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant