Mommy and Uncle Phinks

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Phinks sat in the living room with the a few troupe members; the sound of a ticking clock could be heard. Phinks, Feitan, and Shizuku were keeping Dream and Willow safe while Chrollo and everyone else went on a heist.

"That's it," Phink said standing up, "I can't do this anymore. I have to say something."

"You do that and it'll be a huge mistake." Shizuku said as he was walking away.

"I have to, they only way I'll be able to move on."

"Alright, you're choice."

Dream was upstairs in her and Chrollo's bedroom folding shirts, the door was opened and Phinks stood in the door frame and knocked on the already open door. Dream turned her head and smiled.

"Hello Phinks." Dream said.

"Hey, need any help?" Phinks asked.

"You could hand me the basket by my vanity."

Phinks picked up the basket and placed it on the bed, he noticed that they were all of Chrollo's white shirts.

"Aren't these the Boss's shirts?" He asked.

"Yeah...Willow ran out of paper so she took Daddy's shirts." Dream rolled her eyes.

"Oof. Glad the Boss isn't here right now. I can't imagine what he would do."

"Chrollo wouldn't punish her with a spanking or time out, he would just give her a scolding and take away her markers."

"Is it effective."

"Oh yes, remember when she use to draw on the walls?"


"How did you think it stopped? She didn't grow out of it."

The two blonde shared a laugh. In the hall Willow's stocking covered feet ran soundlessly across the white carpet of the second floor. In her hands was a stuffed black bunny with large white button eyes. She saw her parents' bedroom door open and ran to it.

"Mommy," Willow cheered, "guess wh--"

Her eyes went wide; her smile faded. Phinks' hands were on her cheeks as he kissed Dream, as he slowly pulled away Dream bit her bottom lip. Willow ran down stairs as quickly as possible.

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