27. Schrödinger's cat

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Hello my lovely readers! I am SO sorry that it took me so long to update a new chapter. I have been feeling under the weather: I had a tough-to-beat cold for like two weeks. Personally I find having a cold trumps having the flu. But no worries: I have been busy with this chapter and I hope you like it!!

Love you all!!! xxx Edmee

A few days have passed after Elizabeth and I made love to each other and we soon decided to announce to the rest of my siblings that things are getting serious between her and me. Surprisingly enough, Lorie is fine with our young and blooming relationship. We didn't include her on the details, but she knows that Elizabeth and I like each other very much. Drogo did already knew what happened that night in my study, he was NOT happy about it. Peter gave us his blessing. Although Drogo seems to be the only one who doesn't like the idea of Elizabeth and I being a couple, the three of them are genuinely happy for the two of us. 

Since Elizabeth lives at the manor, I've been helping her to evolve her gifts after the event with Drogo. She's a natural when it comes to telepathy, but the telekinesis takes her much longer to master. She's still learning and making progress, although the progress is evolving gradually. As for the gift of looking back into the past, I've been training with her also. She's very open for hypnosis, which happens to be a great way to go back into the past. Apparently she's really enliving the time that I've met my late fiancée Elizabeth. For years I thought werewolves were solely responsible for her death, but it appears that the dark figure has given something or someone the assignment to kill her. We are still working out who that someone or something is. 

After a few days I manage to catch some sleep. Sleep doesn't come ofter nor easy to me. As you gradually age as a vampire, you need less and less sleep. When I am finally fast asleep, I am awoken by a bloodcurdling scream. I am really startled because I don't know if I've dreamed it or not. But then that scream sounds again and this time I know where it's coming from: Elizabeth's room. I throw back the blankets and cover and within seconds I'm at her door, which is opened already. I enter Elizabeth's room and the sight I am beholding, has gotten me surprised. Drogo is sitting on Elizabeth's bed. She's awake and sitting up, Drogo is holding her by her shoulders and soothing her. She still looked bewildered and her pupils are really dialated. Her breathing is shallow and jerky.

Drogo: "Lisa, it's alright, you had a really bad dream, that's all."

I look at the two of them and I cannot help myself from feeling all mushy inside. It's a rather loving scenery I'm witnessing. He then looks at me and looks seriously scared.

Drogo: "I'm sorry, I know I've broken your rule, but I couldn't help myself. I had to know if she was alright, Nic."

"That's okay, I don't mind you comforting her right now. She looks like she needs it."

Elizabeth: "Nicolae, it was him again, that dark figure. I was in the forest again. But something new came into my field of vision. It looked like... a wolf, but much bigger."

Drogo looks at me and I nod at him. Drogo stand up, gives Elizabeth a kiss on her head and says he's going to leave her into my skilled hands and comfort. She thanks Drogo and with a pat on my shoulders, he's off to his room. I take the place of Drogo, on Elizabeth's bed. She immediately closes the distance and I embrace her. I rock her gentle back and forth.

Elizabeth: "When I am having these dreams, or rather nightmares, I'm really scared."

"It was just a dream, my love, nobody can hurt you for real."

Elizabeth: "But it feels like it is really happening. And after each nightmare, I feel more and more exhausted."

"I know, my love, I know. Visions, like the ones you're experiencing, drain your energy. That is just how things work."

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