2. "Family"

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I should have never trusted Viktor in the first place. Something about him warned my subconsciousness, but because of the fact I was feeling totally numb, I'd let my guards down. In a desperate attempt to feel happiness again, he seduced me. He got me drunk in the pub and after a few hours of talking with each other, we left the pub.

There we were walking alongside the river Themes. We stopped and overlooked Tower Bridge, the bridge I wanted to jump off of. I didn't see it coming, since he had manipulated me mentally. I never would have thought about the fact that he was a... a vampire. One simply cannot see or notice it, unless you are trained to pick them out of a crowd. They are such misleading and manipulative creatures. Before I knew it, I felt a sharp and stinging sensation in my neck, at least ten times worse when you get stung by a wasp. I wanted to resist and fight back, but something prevented me from doing so. The burning sensation from the two fangs plunging in my flesh was very overwhelming and I started to feel faint. I began to loose consciousness when all of the sudden the sensation in my neck stopped and slowly I regained my consciousness.

The next thing I remember was Viktor who was pulling up one of his trousers legs and took a sharp knife out of his boot. Then he cut himself in the forearm and said: "Drink my blood!" 

I looked at him, puzzled and bewildered. Never would I ever have imagined that someone would say those exact words in my life. I was dumbfounded, but then Viktor said those words again, now more demanding. As if I were a puppet, I obeyed him and drank his blood. While I was drinking, I remember it tasted very sweet and strangely I wanted more. This was very paradoxical, because normally you would experience a nasty, iron-like taste when you taste blood.

All of the sudden I felt a rush of new, undiscovered energy flow throughout my entire body. That energy was like a newfound, yet unknown feeling. I felt good and when Viktor pulled back his forearm, that flow of energy slowly subsided and accumulated in my fingertips and lips. It was a very strong, tingling sensation. 

Viktor: "Did you experience anything?"

 I nodded and answered him back that I felt this sensation accumulating. I then saw him smile very broadly and almost evil. 

Viktor: "Good, the tranformation was a succesful one." 

I felt many different and disconcerning feelings, but I could only think about one thing at that moment. All of my grieve and sorrow had melted away like snow before the sun. I felt invincable and strong, stonger than I've ever felt before. I liked these feelings, iIt was like I was reborn.

Viktor: "You are now part of the family."


Viktor: "Well, yes... family. Although I am not your father by birthright, I am now your father by blood. I'll take you home and introduce you to your siblings." 


Viktor: "Yes: siblings. You have two younger brothers and a little sister." 

'Little sister?'  I thought... Before I knew it, I said those two words out loud. Viktor told me that she was too good to not have been transitioned.

Shortly after my transition we left London by carriage. He told me that we would reach our destiny in about a few days. We stayed in various inns during the nights over the last couple of days. After three days of riding in the carriage, we finally reached our destination: Mystery Spell, a little town on the English countryside. I honestly had never heard of this town in my entire life, but that didn't necessarily meant that it didn't exist. The carriage took us to a grand manor, which was sitting prominent on a hilltop, overlooking Mystery Spell. The carriage went through a large gated fence and we went up a lane of Chestnut trees. We got out of the carriage and walked towards the huge doors. Viktor opened the doors and we entered the manor. Immediately beautiful yet melachonic piano music covered me like a warm blanket and filled my ears and the air around me and Viktor. I loved it in an instance. 

Viktor: "That is Peter, your younger brother and the one who you hear playing the piano. It is always sad and melanchonically, but I guess it suits the surroundings and our way of life. We'll catch up with him later on."

I look around the immense hallway in awe when all of a sudden I feel two little arms wrap around my waist. This way of meeting a stranger startled me a bit. I looked down at my waist in surprise and all I could see was a bunch of light pink hair. Then two huge, sunset-like eyes looked up at me and swallowed me whole. 

???: "Father has told me about you, he has been watching you for a while now!" 

I looked at Viktor, who shrunged his shoulders and replied to the little girl: "You wanted a new brother, didn't you? You like him?" 

The little girl nodded very happily, gave her father a hug and she was off to the huge staircase. "I'll be upstairs in my room if you need me, father! Nicolae, will you visit my room soon?" 

I was left baffled and looked speechless towards Viktor. 

Viktor: "That is little Lorie. She can be very sweet, which she is for most of the time. But if something's not to her likings, she can act like a little fury."  

I nodded and then asked him about the other brother. 

Viktor: "Ah, yes, your other brother: Drogo. He is upstairs, feeling sorry for himself. Most of the time he tries to ignore me and if I have his attention, he says few words. But the words he speaks are mostly insulting. Don't mind him too much, he is still pissed at me for his tranformation."  

Okay, so here we had my new siblings, from who I've only met the youngest one, Lorie. 'I guess we'll have all the time in the world to get acquainted. No need to hurry.' 

Viktor then showed me around the first floor. First he took me into the living room, which was dimly lit. There were a few candles burning in candle holders alongside the walls, and the fireplace was also lit. It gave a nice glow and I started walking towards the fire. Instinctively I stretched out my arms and hands, but strangely I didn't feel the warmth of the fire the way I would expect. I didn't understand, so I looked at Viktor for answers. 

Viktor: "You'll get used to this sensation, but for now I know it can be very troubling and upsetting that you simply cannot experience the warmth of the fire, the way you did as a mortal. We usually light the fireplace out of habit." 

We left the living room and Viktor took me into the dining room and adjacent kitchen. The kitchen was spacious and styling. I was told that this room was hardly used, but that it was nice to have one. That way we would seem normal to outsiders, if they would even set foot into this manor without being preyed on. 

Viktor: "We don't get satisfied by food eaten by mortals, so we must find another way to survive."  He then told me that the family went on a weekly hunting spree. 

"A hunting spree?"

He repeated the words and stayed quiet for a few seconds. Then he added that they would go hunting for blood... human blood in particular. I looked at him with awe and disgust. 

Viktor: "Blood, in particular human blood, is needed for us vampires to exist, to stay... "alive", to keep going." 

I stayed quiet and let this information sink in. I had to get used to the idea that only blood would keep me going from now on. That only blood would quench my thirst from now on. And then a horrible and frightening feeling crept over me. The only thing on my mind was... blood. I was craving blood! O God, I was craving blood indeed: sweet, mouthwatering blood!!!

Viktor: "Come on, lets go out and feast!"

 I obliged gladly...

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