21. You are not alone

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Hello, my lovely readers!! I hope you liked the previous chapter as much as I did in putting it down on paper. I always read the chapters out loud before I publish them and I must say, I was impressed by my writing. I got all excited when things heated up between Nicolae and Lisa.

For this chapter I've taken a part from the first chapter of Drogo's game, season one. I've done this earlier on in this story and I hope you don't mind too muc

For now, please enjoy reading chapter 21!!!

Lots of love, Edmee.
I stand contemplating for a few minutes in the corridor, before I am rudely awaken from my thoughts by Lisa's voice, screaming "LET GO OF ME!" and immediately after that I hear the sound of breaking glass. The noises are coming from Lisa's room!!! WHAT THE FUCK?! 

I race for Lisa's bedroom door and I quickly enter, where I'm baffled by the scene I witness. They haven't noticed me coming in. Lisa is standing next to the bed, Drogo is laying on the ground on the other side of the bed. He's rubbing a obvious painful spot at the back of his head.

Lisa "What on earth is going on here?! What did you do to me?!"

Drogo: "Nothing that taints your reputation, little thing."

Then my eyes fall onto the remains that used to be a lamp. My eyes shoot from the ground up to Lisa's bedside table and I notice that the lamp's missing. Did she hit him over the head with it?!

Lisa: "What was that strange gleam in your eyes, Drogo?!? And why did I feel like I was under your control?"


I notice Lisa jumping, still in shock. Drogo abruptly stiffens.

"Get out of here. NOW!!" I can see from the look on Lisa's face that she's impressed. She should be... I sense that Lisa's being overwhelmed by the urge of wanting to break out in tears. "These people are crazy! I want to get out of here!!" For fucks sake, Drogo! Lisa folds her arms across her chest as if to protect herself. Her gaze frantically goes from me to Drogo and back from Drogo to me. I see that Drogo is hestitating, unwilling to disobey me so easily. I experience something I almost never feel: I am starting to loose my patience...

"Drogo, I told you to get out!"

Drogo: "And since when do you give orders...?"

Drogo's tone is icy, menacing. I gauge at Drogo and he gauges at me.

"Since father is away. Now, get out now!"

Drogo finally leaves the room and I reluctantly follow him out of Lisa's room. I hate the feeling leaving Lisa like this. Before I leave her room, I stop for a brief moment and I tell her I will return to talk to her about what happened between her and Drogo. She nodds, still looking shocked and dazed. As I leave the room I can hear her sob and that sounds hits me in the core.

I don't wait until we are in my room. I decide to tell him off, right here in the corridor.


Drogo: "I think you're smart enough to figure out what just happened!"

"I CLEARLY remember telling you that you were FORBIDDEN to enter her room! I never EVER want you entering her room without MY or HER permission, DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?!?"

Drogo grunts agitated while still rubbing the back of his head. I feel anger building up inside of me and I almost feel my eyes change colour. I get a hold of this anger and luckily I can control it.

"Have you lost your mind?"

Drogo: "Appearantly, yes, judging how you are overreacting!"


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