After he passed and surprisingly we have the same classes as well.

"Ostrich-hyung, can we go to class now cause i dont really want to fail a subject." Y/n said, and damn his nerdy side jumped out, and what he called me made me grew a tick in my head.

"Sure but drop the ostrich cause i dont look like one." I gladly accepted his request to walk together to class.

"Why though you look like one? And lets go." After he said i just shrugged it off cause no matter what i'll say he is going to win cause he is just like our Maknae Yoda. And walk to our class.

And what surprise me when we arrived our respective classroom, he already have a friends.

Well the stereotype me thinks like all nerds dont havr friends.

He said next to a cute girl that look like a bunny when she smile.


Is the only word that i can think after i saw her smile.

And she is also pretty without those glasses for sure and her curly hair.

I sat next to the cute and pretty bunny girl.

"Hi, name is Jeongyeon." I greeted her and her face turns red.

"H-hi, Im Nayeon." She introduced shyly.

Oh My Lord why does she have to be this cute.

"You can talk to me freely you know that, you dont have to be embarassed about it." I said to her so that she will loosen up a little bit.

"Okay." She answered amd hears some murmurs.

"Ewww, why does the nerd talking to Jeongyeon-oppa."

"She should shut up Jeongyeon-oppa is only mine."

"What a bitch."

"I agree with you cause she didnt just took Y/n from us but also Jeongyeon."

And damn those people i wanna sew their mouths together for saying that to her.

"Ignore what they are saying to you." I assured her so that she wont break down or sumn.

"Its alright, im used to those people attacking me with their words." She said calmly.

What a strong personality you got there.

And after the professor arrived we listened carefully because the exams are near.


After the classes ended.

Nayeon stood up and talked to Y/n.

"Y/n-ahh, lets go to the cafeteria together." She asked him.

"Nayeonie, Im not hungry though." He answered her.


"But still just come with me, you can sit there and continue reading that greek myth." She pouts.

How can he!! If that is me that she is pouting to, I already died.

"Okay, okay im gonna come with you so stop pouting." He already accepted.

"Yes!!" She cheered and she is grinning happily.

And they got out ignoring my existence.
How can they ignore me. I wanna be with them to.

"Nice!!!, did Y/n just forgot about me again?" I asked myself, i fixed my things and got out.

Nayeon's POV

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