Chapter 21 - Thirak VII

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"Firstly, understand that when a being of magic becomes a spirit, they are no longer a being of magic," the hydra explained. "Moreover, they tend to only look out for themselves. Very few spirits are altruistic. Not to mention, civilisation has grown and changed over the years. The guidance of spirits, once necessary, has become less important and subsequently forgotten. The result is that the occurrence of spirits became very rare and many spirits simply faded – meaning, they let go of their attachment to the land and disappeared to wherever death takes us."

"You mean spirits were once needed?" I asked, shifting my weight. It sounded unbelievable and something we would've been taught if real, but I had never even heard of spirits.

The hydra nodded, all three heads moving as one. "A long time ago spirits were needed and helped different species containing beings of magic. However, as civilisations changed over time, spirits weren't needed as much and stopped attempting to contact their civilisations. But, as I was saying, someone cast extremely powerful magic over Artifice putting all beings of magic into a status. No one has woken up in decades, and only spirits seem to remain alive."

We're going to be asked to help, Azrael said flatly, and I hid a smile.

"Anansi could tell you more," the hydra decided. "They will explain anything and everything you have questions about. I cannot aid you anymore than I already have."

"And where would we find Anansi?"

The hydra beckoned with one of its heads, and after exchanging a glance with my companions, we followed. We had no other choice. After all, we were going to help. We didn't even need to discuss it. For one, this could lead to us having more allies, which would be extremely helpful. Secondly, we didn't leave beings who needed help.

We stopped by a massive hole in the ground. "Anansi is down there, right?" I said, not really needing the confirmation.

"It is safe," the hydra replied. Beside me, Azrael sighed and nudged me with his wing. I quickly scrambled onto his back.

Down we go, Azrael murmured, and then slipped down the hole. Thankfully, we were close to the ground and landed on dirt soon enough. Strangely enough, there was light around us, even if it hadn't appeared that way from above.

"And in the visitors arriving, we are all changed by it. In questions asked and answers sought, our minds are changed and our perspectives altered. In leaping down a hole, we take a chance, and in coming here, you risk nothing. Greetings, the three of you. I am Anansi. Who be all of you?"

The voice came from a massive spider – easily the height of a tall man. They looked like a massive huntsman spider, but their eyes were kind, their voice soft. Maybe we didn't know who we could trust, but we had nothing to lose from speaking.

"I am Thirak, beside me is Azrael and Seeryath," I introduced, pointing to each dragon in turn. "Greetings, Anansi."

"Do you speak for those with you or will they speak for themselves?" The spider asked. "It matters not, but their words are understood here, for everything can be understood by those who are magic. Languages are easy to learn, and we have been around a long time."

"Greetings then, Anansi," Seeryath said, appearing surprised as the spider glanced at her. "The hydra said you would explain the island and the beings in status?"

"I could and I can, for knowledge you seek and so knowledge will be shared. First know that magic is as it always is, controlled in chaos and uncontrollable except by those who control it. It is, as always, defined by the individual and never foretold. It is challenged and willed, and will only listen if it decides to. A spell placed down clings to the land, binding beings of magic to a sleep so deep they do not wake. A spell like such must be tied to one specific place where it all began, but no one can find the place. Still, the caster remains on the island, but for what? Knowledge cannot tell me that, just as knowledge is often subjective and unreliable. The reliable nature of anything is what we decide."

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